11.12.2023 Feature Article

To my veritable readers

To my veritable readers
11.12.2023 LISTEN

"I would have long quit writing and taken apprenticeship in some less torturous, more lucrative vocation but for my readers' patronage of my pen for its milk and honey."

My readers are uppermost on my mind whenever l put pen to paper. Like the picture of a lover in the mind of her captivator, so my readers occupy my thoughts each time l confront my pen for its juice.

By and large, my readers ─ all who make time to feast on my harangues whether for amusement, mischief or to jubilate over the roasting of some unfortunate soul ─ have become an integral part of the story of my life ─ my intoxicating cup of joy.

For their sake I spend sleepless nights rehearsing my pen in order to serve them a balanced delicacy worth their time and pleasure. I would have long quit writing and taken apprenticeship in some less torturous, more lucrative vocation but for my readers' patronage of my pen for its milk and honey.

This day, l celebrate a landmark readership exceeding 82,000 on Modern Ghana. Such an immense turnover of my journalistic musings provide me with the motivation and the general audacity ─ as we say in Ghana ─ "to go to town" and never feel alone.

When l submitted my first story a little over two years ago on this platform, l had no idea how readers would react to my fluffy and puffy postulations. Writing being an artistic vocation in itself, and creativity being its golden rule, a writer is in danger of displeasing his audience or even losing them completely unless these attributes are generously supplied in any good piece of writing.

Luckily, l have the most charitable and dependable readers you would find anywhere. My readers have acclimatized seamlessly to my menu so much so that whether served hot or cold, raw or cooked, plain or variegated, wet or dry, their patronage of my epistles is unchanging.

They make me feel so much at ease with myself ─ no matter my sometimes vexatious treatment of the subject of my scrutiny even if it is to their uttermost displeasure or consternation. l almost look and feel like a spoilt brat on such intermittent occasions.

One of my staunchest readers was suddenly smitten by a desperate illness to see me at all costs and by all means, contrary to my warnings about the dangers inherent in such a wayward expedition. We ended up sharing such a memorable fellowship under the mango tree in my home ─ one that would linger in my mind.

I am also the proud recipient of private commentary, protestations and interesting missives about my rumblings from my readers. Sometimes they are very insightful, other times quite the opposite ─ but all meant apparently for my general education and betterment, whether good or bad.

This epistle is my strategy to honor and appreciate all my wonderful readers ─ now my companions ─ for sharing precious moments with me for our mutual enjoyment and edification. We are one big global family connected by utopian ideas and different views about our national aspirations. The writer's views are not necessarily superior to those of his readers or the subject of his treatment.

Indeed, being right or wrong about a particular matter ─ or whether we agree or disagree on it ─ is not even the most important thing in any piece of writing. The writer's goal in any good authorship is to collate issues for discussion for purposes of social conscientisation and national progress. He or she is nothing more than a town crier or a facilitator of national conscience. Of course, l am also aware of other writers with peculiar private motivations other than national cohesion.

Fortunately, lam of the former archetype. That's what l have tried to accomplish these past two years

on this platform with the support of my grand readership. May the author-reader affinity we have so passionately shared on this frolicking journey blossom in leaps and bounds in the coming years as we build the Ghana of our dreams together, even if it is just a utopian concept articulated on paper.

This moment is when I to let you know how much l value and appreciate every moment you spent poring over my epistles. God permitting, we will do it all over again in the coming year. May I take the liberty of our strong acquaintance to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Hope you have a great holiday.

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