11.10.2023 Feature Article

Reclaiming African Consciousness: Overcoming Western Influence And Rediscovering Our Heritage

Reclaiming African Consciousness: Overcoming Western Influence And Rediscovering Our Heritage
11.10.2023 LISTEN

In today's globalized world, the battle for cultural preservation and identity is more relevant than ever. Africa, with its rich tapestry of history, cultures, and traditions, finds itself at a crossroads. The need to reawaken African consciousness and erase the lasting impacts of Western brainwash and deception is imperative.

This piece discusses 4-key points on the importance of African identity, Western influence, re- education, reorientation and enlightenment for the youth, as well as the urgency of restoring Africa's true identity in the face of misrepresentation on the global stage.

The African Identity Crisis
Africa, a continent comprising of 55 countries and boasting a population of over 1.4 billion people, has faced a long history of external influence and interference. The repercussions of colonization, slavery, and neocolonialism have left an indelible mark on the African psyche. One of the most profound consequences has been the erosion of African identity, culture, and heritage.

Western Influence and Misrepresentation

Over the centuries, Africa's true history, culture, values, and traditions have been systematically distorted and overshadowed by foreign cultures, customs, and norms, primarily of Western origin. The global stage often portrays Africa through a skewed lens, perpetuating stereotypes and reinforcing the misrepresentation of the continent. This misrepresentation not only affects how the world perceives Africa but also how Africans perceive themselves.

It is not surprising at all , Africa has just been an observer on global decision-making structures. For example , the UN Security Council was formally established on 17 January 1946,its over 77 years, just few weeks ago that there’s proposal to give Africa a seat at UN Security Council, and African Union (AU) Permanent seat at G20. Again, even venue to take global decisions, it took 50 years for IMF and World Bank to hold their annual meeting in Africa, just last Monday the meeting was held at Marrakech, Morocco since 1973 meeting in Kenya. These and others issues must energized Africa in her pursuit of recognition to preserve identity and heritage.

The Urgent Need for Re-Education
To overcome the pervasive Western brainwash and deceit, the next generation must be equipped with the tools to reclaim their heritage. This process begins with re-education, which involves revisiting the true African history, cultures, values, and traditions. Schools and educational institutions must play a pivotal role in this endeavor such as incorporating accurate and comprehensive African studies into their curricula, investment in research labs, Media and archaeological exploration.

Reorientation and Enlightenment
Reorientation is equally crucial. Young Africans need to be guided towards a deep appreciation of their cultural roots and the significance of preserving their heritage. It involves encouraging critical thinking, fostering cultural pride, and challenging the narratives that have perpetuated Western ideals at the expense of indigenous African ones.

Moreover, enlightenment is pivotal in empowering the youth to question and dismantle the stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding Africa. This involves providing access to information, promoting media literacy, and creating platforms for open dialogue about the continent's diverse cultures and histories.

In short, Reclaiming African consciousness and erasing the Western brainwash and deceit is not merely a matter of historical justice but a vital step towards securing a brighter future for the continent. As Africa continues to rise on the global stage economically and politically, it is crucial that its people regain their sense of identity and pride. By re-educating, reorienting, and enlightening the youth, Africa can reshape its narrative, dispel stereotypes, and celebrate its unique heritage. In doing so can the continent regain its rightful place in the global community and safeguard its legacy for generations to come.

Produced by : Mr. Evans DARKO, Doctoral Researcher , CREM LAB, France.
