Thu, 29 Jun 2023 Article

Sobolo Melody: Rootical Folklore

By Natty Mark Samuels
Sobolo Melody: Rootical Folklore

I hope that when I get to Asamando, after saying farewell to Amokye, that soon after, my back against the trunk, cocooned by the buttresses of a kapok tree, I'll be drinking the blessings of roselle, while listening to the first man, to ever play seperewa.

While listening to the strings of time, I hope he'll speak of the original appearance of Sasabonsam, he of iron dental work and nails of the same substance. When did he first hang his long thin legs – resembling vine or creeper – from a tree, trapping his earliest victim?

To find out if it is true, that he ensnared the offender, who broke the sacred law of rest. Thursday, day of Creation, when no one should farm or hunt, because the Earth relaxed. Did he arrest Public Enemy Number One? If so, I can't imagine him offering reprieve.

Don't think he's ever heard the word probation! I'll inform the storyteller, that since the first appearance of the one entitled ogre, that ironically, he has saved many Akan children, becoming the bogeyman of warning and safety.

Yes, after reaching Asamando and saluting the ancestors, I look forward to listening to Seperewa Man, playing the Sobolo Melody.

Envoy of beauty, Play seperewa for me. Verses of cinnamon, Pineapple and cloves,

And I'll sing hibiscus harmony.

©Natty Mark Samuels, 2023. African School. Rootical Folklore.

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