
National cathedral: GHS2.6m of tax funds diverted to JNS Talent Centre which operates a crèche – Ablakwa

  Thu, 12 Jan 2023
Headlines National cathedral: GHS2.6m of tax funds diverted to JNS Talent Centre which operates a crche  Ablakwa

The Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has accused the National Cathedral Secretariat of diverting an impressive GHS2.6million of tax funds to a company known as JNS Talent Centre Limited.

JNS Talent Centre Limited according to Mr Ablakwa is registered as a “Talent and Skills Development Training,” but operates a crèche located in Dawhwenya, Accra, with the motto “train up a child in their talent and they are made for life.”

Mr Ablakwa in a Facebook post wondered what kind of services JNS Talent Centre Limited provided to the National Cathedral Secretariat to pocket GHS2.6million.

In another post, he alleged the Talent and Skills Development Training Centre is owned by Rev. Johannes Eshun who describes himself as the spiritual son and protégé of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng, Founder of Power Chapel Worldwide and Member/Secretary of the National Cathedral Board of Trustees.

Rev. Eshun, Mr Ablakwa says, is also a branch pastor of Rev. Kusi Boateng’s church called the Power Chapel Worldwide, Bethel Arena.

Below are details of Mr Ablakwa’s post:

We are not done exposing the countless explosive cathedral scandals neither are we about to be intimidated by those issuing laughable and ungodly threats. We are just warming up.

Now, here is the latest installment of shocking discoveries.

So it turns out the contemptible diversions and dubious distributions away from the core mandate of constructing Akufo-Addo’s cathedral took place on a much bigger scale than previously imagined.

Apparently, it is not only the dodgy American, Cary Summers and his Nehemiah Group who were gifted GHS28.2million of our depleted taxes for so-called “coordination activities.”

Newly secured documentation reveals that at a time the cathedral contractors (RIBADE Ltd) were complaining that they were being starved of funds leading to RIBADE’s eventual suspension of work in March 2022 — a suspension which continues and is now 10 months old, and this is despite government’s massive unconstitutional withdrawals in excess of GHS339million, it has emerged that our tax funds were being unethically distributed on a massive scale like confetti.

We have discovered a shocking diversion of an impressive GHS2.6million of tax funds to a company known as JNS Talent Centre Limited.

According to incorporation details in my possession, JNS Talent Centre Limited’s given registration number is: CS695622015. Its directors are: Johannes Eshun, Sheila Eshun and Kwabena Adu Gyamfi.

The registered principal activity of JNS Talent Centre Limited is listed as “Talent and Skills Development Training.”

JNS Talent Centre Limited has a stated capital of a measly GHS500.00.

JNS has absolutely no track record in construction neither does it have capacity for architectural designs or related services.

Further investigations reveal that JNS Talent Centre Limited operates a crèche located in Dawhwenya. The crèche‘s motto is “train up a child in their talent and they are made for life.”

Interestingly, it is not clear who or how many people at the Cathedral Secretariat JNS developed their talent to be made for life.

The 020 phone number advertised for the crèche is the same contact provided in their incorporation instruments and in the cathedral documents we are reviewing.

It remains a mystery what kind of services JNS Talent Centre Limited provided to the National Cathedral Secretariat to pocket a cool GHS2.6million. Or could it have been that they were sharpening the talent of Architect David Adjaye?

When I called up Madam Sheilla Eshun, a director of TNS to assist with my constitutional oversight duties, the seemingly startled lady said she had scanty information on the GHS2.6million cathedral transaction and that she will prefer I speak to her MD who is currently out of the country and therefore will ask her MD to get back to me in 2 weeks when he returns to Ghana.

Most surprising that a director will claim to have little knowledge about its biggest ever deal. It appears the JNS Talent Centre Limited does not include sincerity and transparency in its talent development curriculum.

With the remarkable levels of opacity, diversions, collusion, graft, recklessness and a “yenkyendi” mindset, the cathedral project was bound to suffer its current predicament where contractors have abandoned site for lack of payment. That is why people familiar with the scandalous project ridicule hollow presidential assurances that the project will be completed next year.

And, by the way, what is with this Akufo-Addo/Bawumia/Ofori-Atta government and Talent companies? The last time, it was investigative journalist Manesseh Azure Awuni who in his “Contracts for Sale” exposé brought to light the shady conflict of interest activities of “Talent Discovery Limited” owned by disgraced PPA boss, Adjenim Boateng Adjei.

Is this really the Lord’s Cathedral?
Second Facebook Post
JNS Talent Centre Limited, the company at the centre of my latest cathedral exposé with absolutely no track record in construction and design which was gifted a colossal GHS2.6million of our taxes by the National Cathedral Secretariat is owned by Rev. Johannes Eshun who describes himself as the spiritual son and protégé of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng, Founder of Power Chapel Worldwide and Member/Secretary of the National Cathedral Board of Trustees.

Rev. Johannes Eshun is also a branch pastor of Rev. Kusi Boateng’s church — Rev. Eshun’s branch is the Power Chapel Worldwide, Bethel Arena.

I didn’t expect this blatant and ungodly conflict of interest at the highest level of the Cathedral’s Board of Trustees. I am deeply saddened.

God have mercy on our nation.
I shall return with more explosive revelations.

