
'Continuous false publications against Bagbin unprofessional' — CSO goes after Daily Guide

  Wed, 06 Apr 2022
Headlines Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin
Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin

The Friends of Democracy (FoD) Ghana, a Civil Society Organisation (CSO), has expressed grave concerns over what it describes as “unprofessional conduct” of the Daily Guide newspaper in recent times.

The FoD Ghana noted that the conduct of the newspaper in publishing what it termed as “false publications” about the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban S. K. Bagbin, had the tendency to mar the democratic credentials of the country if not checked.

Mr Abubakari Nurideen Kotia, the convener of the group, expressed the worry at a press conference in Wa on Tuesday on the “incessant attack on the personality and reputation of the Speaker of Parliament” by the Daily Guide newspaper.

He said headlines such as “Bagbin snubs deputies, appoints NDC man as speaker”, Bagbin blows 1.1million Dollars in Dubai”, Bagbib requests for 50K from Dubai” and Bagbin snubs deputies again”, were without facts and aimed to tarnish the reputation of the Speaker of Parliament and the country’s democracy.

“The daily guide newspaper has in recent times unfortunately reduced itself to a propaganda tool for some political class by reserving its front page and banner headlines for the publication of malicious stories and hateful lies against the revered Speaker of Parliament in an incompetent attempt to falsely portray the Speaker as wasteful and dictatorial,” he alleged.

While recognizing the media as an unalienable partner in sustaining and promoting the country’s democracy, Mr Kotia stressed the need for utmost professionalism of the media in order not to derail the democratic gains of the country.

Talking on Mr Bagbin’s visit to Dubai for medical review, he observed that it was a constitutional provision for some public office holders including the Speaker of Parliament and that the publication by Daily Guide newspaper was a mere allegation against the Speaker.

“… the Daily Guide newspaper has thrown its hat into the ring to be used as the hatchet group to lead and propagate a media war against the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament regardless of What it takes to do this difficult task which will not succeed”, he explained.

The FoD-Ghana said it would do all things possible within its power to jealously safeguard the democratic foundation and institutions of the country at all times including the high office of the Speaker of Parliament.
