
Don't invest your profits in Prophets for direction – Christians told

  Mon, 03 Jan 2022
Social News Don't invest your profits in Prophets for direction  Christians told

Reverend Father Stephen Dogodzi, SVD, the Parish Priest of the St. Charles Lwanga Catholic Church, Abeka, has cautioned the public, especially Christians to desist from moving from church to church in search of a solution to their problems.

He said desperation sometimes leads people to succumb to all financial and sexual pressures and demands from some so-called Prophets and spiritual leaders, which worsened their plights.

“Some of you, you come to church on Sunday and go to other churches on other days to seek for 'akwankyere' (direction) because Goliath is threatening your life”.

“Where in the Bible is it written that when you need help, sow a seed first? You are doing business and you pray for God to bless it. Instead of investing the profit in the business, you are investing it in the pockets of Prophets and mismanaging the business.”

He gave the advice, while delivering a homily at the Church's service in Accra.

Speaking on the topic, “Who or What is the Goliath in Your Life”, the Priest described a Goliath as anything that terrified one's life or made one run away from his or her destiny.

Among them are illnesses or diseases, he said and pointed out the COVID-19 as one of them as it terrified the entire world, caused people to lose their loved ones, and triggered depression among others.

The second Goliath to a person is “people who know his or her weakness,” he said.

“Those people, if it is at the workplace, they frighten you. If it's your male or female Boss, he or she could sexually harass you and if you are a house help, your master could sexually harass you,” he explained.

He mentioned “failures of people” as the third Goliath to everyone in situations like examination, and not getting basic life needs like partners, jobs, and admission to educational institutions.

Father Dogodzi said God, however, did not create humans to live in fear and called on everyone with a goliath to make courageous and positive words or statements about their lives to restore hope in them.

He also directed that people sought help from the right people and places, whether churches or fertility centres, so that their problems were not worsened.

He reiterated that churches were deceiving and extorting monies from desperate individuals to flourish as a result of desperation to get rid of the goliaths troubling their lives.

“My brothers and sisters, seek help at the right place and you will find it. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God to fight the life battle which is not of the flesh but with authorities and powers of darkness.

“And the Goliath that is troubling you, whether sickness, infertility, or financial instability, you shall see them no more in 2022,” he added.

