Fri, 14 May 2021 Business Features

Enterprise Life Insurance MD Jacqueline Benyi encourages public to prioritize Life Insurance

  Fri, 14 May 2021
Enterprise Life Insurance MD Jacqueline Benyi encouragespublic to prioritize Life Insurance

The Managing Director (MD) for Enterprise Life Insurance, Mrs. Jacqueline Benyi has encouraged the Ghanaian public to roll onto their Life Insurance packages to safeguard their future and that of their families.

The renowned Insurance providers over the years have developed into one of the best and most trusted in the country.

While there have been question marks here and there with some challenges faced by clients, the company says they remain committed to removing every bottleneck to better serve customers.

Engaging journalists on Friday, May 14, 2021, at the ‘Advantage Webinar’ series organised to get media partners to understand and appreciate issues related to the work done at Enterprise Life Insurance, MD Jacqueline Benyi admitted that the journey has been tough while stressing that on the back of all that, they have improved significantly and will continue to strive to do even better.

Answering a question on why people should still get insured when stories of the client’s inability to redeem claims continue to pop up, the Enterprise Life Insurance MD noted that her outfit can be trusted because of the systems put in place in recent years to ensure swift payment of claims.

According to her, in the midst of Covid-19 and all of its uncertainties, now more than ever people need to roll onto insurance covers to protect the future of their families in the event of any unfortunate incident.

“…we are not perfect but trust me the imperfection of us should not stop you from showing your family the love that they do deserve.

“I’m the midst of COVID you are still working because you want to put food on the table. You want that son of yours to go to school. That is the value Life Insurance brings,” Mrs. Jacqueline Benyi said.

She continued, “It is the greatest love letter you can ever write to your family because today you are providing. Tomorrow what if you are not there? Should the whole family’s lifestyle come to an end?.

“What if you even suffered an unfortunate event? How do you progress from there? Everybody needs life insurance.”

The Enterprise Insurance MD further assured the public that as they grow, they remain committed to putting in place mechanisms, systems, infrastructure, and the framework that will allow them to address all customer challenges.

This year and the years to come, Enterprise Life Insurance will be big on claims payment to clients and will continue to get better to make sure beneficiaries receive what they deserve.

In addition to investigating and punishing faulting employees, Mrs. Jacqueline Benyi has confirmed that there will be a continuous investment in Life planners to ensure the best customer service is offered.

Also, there will be an investment in technology to seamlessly serve customers from the comfort of their homes as part of the continuous need-based solution for customers.

“One of the things we are driving at [this year and beyond] is the customer agenda. I can tell you that it has become a big thing in Enterprise Life [Insurance]. Clearly, the focus on the customer now cannot be underestimated so if you look at our strategy moving forward, it is to more about the customer,” Mrs. Benyi said in her concluding remarks.

About Enterprise Group:

Enterprise Group was incorporated on 24th November 2008 and is the holding company of the Group. The original entity was Enterprise Insurance Company, established in 1924 and is the oldest insurance company in Ghana. It was listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) in 1991 as the first insurance company to be publicly listed in Ghana.

Following a restructuring of the Group in 2010, Enterprise Group was incorporated to become the holding company and was listed on GSE in place of Enterprise Insurance which was subsequently delisted.

They provide insurance cover for Life, Properties, Travel, Motor, Transitions, as well as Pension.
