17.01.2021 Article

Who The Cap Fits

By Emmanuel Bombande
Who The Cap Fits
17.01.2021 LISTEN

Today is 16th January 2021. The rainy season has taken a nose dive and seams to have given an opportunity to the harmattan to take a swipe at us. It plants in me some kind of reserve energy as we continue to enjoy the early breeze of the new year.

But for the “nonsensical effusions” that took place in parliamentary in the morning of 8th January 2021, one would have concluded that the year started on a good note. It does not cease troubling my ear with a persistent sound; “ting, ting, ting”, like a patient suffering from “tinnitus”.

Honestly, that series of shameful events by our “dishonourable members of parliament” must be condemned to the core.

Folks, let us go down to the nitty-gritty of today’s episode.

I do not intend to exhume buried issues. At this stage, I want to believe the “plethora of treats” that were directed at me are of doubtful validity, if not, the powers that be has touched the lion by the tail.

I am pregnant with anger. I am therefore trying to be submissive to the gynaecologist, who knows, there might be a gynaecological remedy.

Comrades, even though this article is rooted in pragmatism, it is coded. I, therefore, do not expect every reader to understand it, apart from my followers who might be able to decode it. I also do not expect to be hauled before any committee to answer questions. For if that happens, surely, that committee will regret my presence.

In as much as i admit we are all “bipeds”, I do also agree that it is time and opportunity that has putten certain people in certain positions abode others. It does not in any way make them “spidermen”.

If you take offence to my last episode, you can get my contact number from the very people you phoned to register your displeasure. Call me and let’s solve this “perineal paralysis” instead of playing on the “keyboards of your emotions”.

As a matter of fact, when I look at the litany of your approach, I see no sense in it.

I have been quiet for too long and I think this is the right time for me to let you know how callous some of us can be.

Anyway, the late reggae legend Bob Marley once said and I quote “who the cap fits, let them wear it”.
