
Understanding Your Uniqueness

Religion & Spirituality uniqueness

To say that men and women are the “same” is to deny physical reality. Science makes it plain that male and female are different from the moment of conception. The estrogen and testosterone hormones have a significant impact on the behaviour of the male and female. Some often wonder why boys typically like to play with trucks and girls with dolls. Activists usually claim this is the result of socialization, but there is growing scientific evidence that boys and girls are greatly influenced by their respective hormones.

Similarly, it is important for you to know that the female gender, being a unique creation of God, is an incontestable fact! Everything about her person suggests that there is something special about her. God's Word says: And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man (Genesis 1: 27) . That is, the woman was specially, wonderfully and skilfully made, built from a single rib of Adam in a miraculous way.

So, from creation, we see that God decidedly made the woman as a complement of the man. He made her to make a difference in the life of Adam; He created her to spice up his world. I cannot imagine what the world would have looked like, without the female gender. Some men think that the world would have been a much happier place without women, but that is due to certain negative experiences they have had in times past. The truth is that God created the woman different in the world.

Primarily, I suggest a woman is distinct, because she is God's idea. But it's quite unfortunate that some women don't understand how unique they are. Adam hadn't even imagined the woman, but God had her particularly in mind. God's Word says: And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him (Genesis 2:18) . While Adam was busy around in the bush thinking of how to give names to animals, God said, “This is not good. This man needs help.” So, it was God who said that the man needed the woman. She was God's idea. A woman is a product from God; this makes her God's property. It is, therefore, advisable to you as a man that if you handle your wife well, you are handling God's property perfectly.

In the context of marriage, every woman likes continuous courtship. So, as a husband, you must learn to be romantic. Continue to do better, those things you used to do before marriage. Give expression to your love for her. Love grows; it is your responsibility to make it grow. Express your love to her in thought, words and in actions. Give her cards and gifts on special occasions; it is not the volume that counts to her, but the value you place on it. You shall not fail!

You need to give your life to Christ, to have all it takes to enjoy a blissful marriage. You can say this prayer:

Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins.  Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour.  Now I know I am born again!

Congratulations, you are now born again! I believe that you will begin to experience the reality of the price that Jesus paid for your sins at Calvary. All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus' Name!

Pastor Faith Oyedep0
