
New move: Pablo Sandoval set to sign with Boston Red Sox

Sports News New move: Pablo Sandoval set to sign with Boston Red Sox

Sandoval, 28, took the catch that sealed a third World Series title in five years for the Giants in October, and it proved to be a fitting finale for the slugger at the franchise.

The Venezuelan, who hit 106 home runs and batted in 462 runs for the Giants, still has to pass a medical at Fenway Park before his deal is assured.

The Giants wished Sandoval well for his fresh start in Boston, as the 2012 World Series MVP prepares to start at his second club.

"Pablo Sandoval has been a key member of the Giants since breaking into the Majors with us in 2008," a Giants statement read.

"He has been with us through some of the greatest moments in San Francisco Giants history - including all three World Series championships.

"We will never forget his World Series MVP performance in 2012 and his numerous contributions to the 2014 championship.

"His connection with Giants fans - young and old - is truly special and he will be greatly missed. We wish him nothing but the best in Boston."

Sandoval, who is a free agent, reportedly turned down offers from the Giants to stay, and also from the San Diego Padres.

It could be a double coup for the Red Sox, as they appear close to sealing the services of Los Angeles Dodgers infielder Hanley Ramirez, who became a free agent in the off-season.
