Tue, 22 Apr 2014 Feature Article

Ask Them Why

Ask Them Why
22 APR 2014 LISTEN

After a while, Yaw decided to give the idea a try. "Money is hard to come by these days", he
thought. Yaw lives with his single Mum and two sisters. As the oldest child of a poor family, he is set to break the financial barrier to make life more comfortable. His wealthy relatives are not willing to be of help.

Internet fraud seemed the most easiest way to make money. Along with some friends, they visit
the internet cafe and browse throughout the night. Age 15 becomes the right time to become financially independent.

One has to quickly learn the rudiments of the new profession else stand the risk of getting
caught or loosing huge sums of money. "Charley the client is proving stubborn", one of
the boys laments. "Shouldn't there be another way round?". That's how the whole drama

What happens in the context of society, no one really cares. The plight of these young ones is
mostly in their own hands. Everyone needs to survive. Its only our conscience that needs to
guide us. Shouldn't there be enough guidance for these young ones?

To these under privileged who want to do anything to survive, nothing is so risky to venture. The world does not care anyway. How can this issue be resolved? Who will be their mouthpiece?

For some of them, it only takes kind hearts and helping hands to pull them from the claws of danger. It behoves on every person to at least extend a listening ear and a genuine act of kindness to some of these victims. When we refuse to be of help, we risk ourselves of being their next target. We need our young able bodies to be wise, educated and strong. Commercial sex work, internet fraud, pick pocketing, armed robbery, gambling, among other social vices can be put to a halt in our own small ways.

Save the world. Involve in a life changing project. Be the voice. Let's get concerned.

Share a smile with someone. The least you can do is to offer your ears to them, do not be quick to judge.

You are blessed to be a blessing.

Signed: Justica Anima

