
Invasion Of The Body, Soul, And Spirit

Beyond the darkening fear,
An insidious enemy arises.
The blood of men run deathly cold.
The icy hands of gross darkness strikes,
Wrecking unnatural havoc on the body, soul and spirit.

Mothers, sisters, fathers and children,
None was spared of this enemy.
Feverish hand of death shuddered the body.
Lungs panged for their last breath.
Coughs of pain reverberated throughout every kingdom.

In the midst of great trepidation and anguish,
The spirit of hope emerged from its slumber.
A new dawn brought forth the spirit of hope.
The gods revealed to mortal men hidden secrets.
Secrets to overcoming the unseen enemy.
Commandments of life written,
Wiping away the epitaph of death:
Thou shall shall wash thy hand with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Thou shall use the elixir of life hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Thou shall avoid touching thy eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Thou shall avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Thou shall put distance between thy self and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in thy community.

Thou shall cover thy mouth and nose with a tissue when ye cough or sneeze or use the inside of thy elbow.

Thou shall clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

With the secrets of life from the gods,
The mortal men set out to vanquish the unseen enemy.

Together, they fought bravely.
They fought against an enemy,
That is ancient yet born only yesterday.
Forbidden name of the enemy whispered by the trees,

Coronavirus disease 2019.
Yet mortal men never gave up and knew in their hearts,

That the days of the unseen enemy was numbered.
One day they shall overcome it forever.
Dedicated to all those who lost their lives as a result of Covid-19.

Author: King David Dzirasah

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