21.07.2019 Feature Article

Worshipping The Wrong Hero Herr Hitler Of Germany

Worshipping The Wrong Hero Herr Hitler Of Germany
21.07.2019 LISTEN

If the people of the world had been lucky to have had access to the true 'secret mind' of Herr Adolf Hitler of Germany, today, he will be considered an enemy of most German people that adore him. But to the Jews in Israel, Hitler would be a hero whose portrait would be hanging in the Knesset.

Let us suppose at this juncture to look at the other side of the coin, and speculate a little bit about what could have taken place were we lucky indeed to have had access to the true intention of a great leader who is ignorantly being worshipped by a group of people whom he set out to destroy or punish but in a major disguised manner.

For twenty score and five years, the idea that Hitler, (a Jew, a superb artist, an actor, a philosopher (by nationality through his genes) and a man who had grown up in a German society in his day where the former' descendants and other nationalities were seriously looked down upon, could manipulate his way up to become a leader of this pompous people), could later turn upon his own people and maltreat them was difficult for me to digest. For me, the drama involving his coming to power in this famous and rich country in the West with illustrious men and women was such that people hardly have adequate time and interests to analyze what took place while in power. Herr Hitler, the manipulator, was so clever that his companions could not detect his secret plan which was coupled with the fact he made certain well-known remarks and ideas known in books, so these prevented people to scrutinize him as an individual. Furthermore, since his background was kept secret by him and other persons that knew him, it was not possible to reconcile this information with the behaviors he revealed in the German public. Moreover, his young associates as he grew up to become a man were not smart or meticulous to study him since he made his thoughts open and that satisfied most people who knew or heard of him. So Hitler lived through propaganda means and he was loved by people because of his unique thoughts and ideas coupled with his oratory power which magnetized both men and women.

I must add very important that there were some grown-ups in the German Army when Hitler was a corporal and some in his party who were always suspicious about his secret mind or inner intentions about Germans and the party he joined but they somehow brushed them aside because of the commotions and pandemonium activities that characteristically occurred frequently in those days. German philosophers who were mostly Jews and nationals were denigrated from these new movements which had populous gatherings in Germany.

This is why I think Herr Hitler's real intention or 'secret mind' was to destroy or punish the German people (Deutschland) by sacrificing the six million Jews to divert attention and get his real business of slaughtering the 65 million German nationals through confusion and wars in other countries. These wars were to impoverish them and make them displaced as useless people.

The theses to be stated below tells us that, while his methods and tactics of coming up to become a leader of this great nation were well-planned, the wars that he engaged in were not planned in such a manner where those conquered nations could be used to do. In other words, there were no meaningful strategies to use those conquered lands and countries other than using the poor German soldiers and its resources to accomplish his secret and unrevealed intention because of the hate he had for the German people. As for the fact that Hitler had a psychiatric problem, I venture to disagree if one meticulously analyze what he did, said, and also investigate his childhood experiences at home and then in the prison years. Those dramatic experiences that occurred to him later had their origins in his childhood cases that had had a lasting impression on him.

1)Why did Herr Hitler plan meticulously about his becoming a member of the Nazi party and also his coming to be their leader, but when it comes to the war there was no adequate planning to show what he will do with the conquering countries? It appears Herr Hitler engineered all the wars in which the German people fought. He even was an engineer who drew (architect) one of the car models which became very popular in Germany.

[The thesis is that he planned to use war to destroy the German Nation.]

2)Why will he command his soldiers to fake about the Russians' advancement into the country in the news when the German citizens were running away for their lives from the major cities to seek shelter because the Russians were coming to slaughter them anyway? He wanted the people to remain in their cities so that they would be slaughtered, raped, and taken into slavery.

[The thesis is that he never respected the German peoples' lives which indicates that he loves them more than the Jews he gassed in chambers]

3)Why did he not stay and die as a hero (hero's death) like many able soldiers in his own country but later found migrated to South America? The suicide he was said to have taken was later judged to be a fake. According to research investigation, plans had already been made earlier what he would do if they were defeated.

[The thesis is that Hitler was not a war hero, instead, he was a coward and bent on destroying lives while he runs away from German people who he happened to have ruled through manipulation.]

4)Why did he not like people to be closer to him most of the time as a leader in private as well as in public to be able to know what he thinks like a person? The closer relationship would have allowed some smart members to have discovered his secrets as he may make a mistake to make a monologue speech or thinking that could reveal his thoughts, like what occurred to President Kennedy concerning his secret remarks he made in the White House about Dr. Martin Luther King's speech regarding human equality. This led to the latter's assassination.

[Hitler knew that the German people did not trust him and, therefore, he would not commit into a serious relationship that might easily reveal his secret intention.]

5)Why will he not make anything intimate in a relationship with Eva Braun his supposed wife? This could have endangered him to reveal his secret thoughts and the grand plan he had concerning the German nation and their pomposity as a race. These are the experiences which he had encountered since his childhood which had had a great impression on him.

[Herr Hitler as a Jew would not have married any other person but a Jewish woman.]

6)As a Jew Hitler was too smart and will be less mediocre to have engaged in the destruction of the poor Jews who since his childhood he had experienced that they were not liked by the German people. His philosophical formula would have been "what if through the diversionary tactics I sacrifice the lives of only a few million Jews to get access to the 65 or more million German people" to punish, confuse or destroy and become beggars. War was the best method to use to destroy a nation of people he could not deal with alone but he wants to destroy or punish. Historically, this has been the means where a nation of people could be punished or destroyed. He had learned this from many books concerning Bismarck, Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, etc. It leads to mass killing, permanent slavery, displacement of people and real destruction of people and their heritage; language loss, these people could be living in peace in their environment. Their lands could be taken over by other strong nations and its peoples who manage to conquer them.

[The thesis is that Hitler chose war which can destroy the German mass population to cause excruciating pain, signifying that he did not love the German people as he posited in his speeches and behavior. He created hate for the German people in the whole world.]
