When Prof. Joshua Alabi talks about his vision for Ghana, it reckons with the transformational change that Ghana needs to pull through - a Ghana that is the industrial, trade and technology hub of West Africa. The visionary leader wants to make Ghana Africa’s Switzerland. Make no mistake about that for he is the chosen one to push this vision through. Without a vision, a people, a country and a president are lost.
Prof. Alabi is not talking about vision without action, but rather a vision with action that is bound to change Ghana for good. He is very impatient in turning Ghana in a matter of time into a high-tech hub to be the finest in West Africa.
His human centered message to the grass roots and Ghanaians is about changing the human conditions of Ghanaians to unleash human dignity for all citizens so that each can realize their aspirations in life and by so doing help build the Nation.
Therefore, he is starting this agenda to see a nation united and inclusive of all segments of society irrespective of ‘political hegemony’, clan, tribe or family background. He holds these expressions true and they are unrivalled and meant to distinguish him from others. His view that each Ghanaian has God given talents and skills that ought to be harnessed collectively to build the nation Ghana, has endeared him to communities around the country already. In his naked words “everyone has a role to play to build the GHANA that we want”.
Indeed, the path to industrial development has agitated the minds of Ghanaians for far too long and Ghanaians want their imaginations actualized thanks to the vision of Prof. Joshua Alabi.
He wants to make energy the catalyst to high-tech considerations in all sectors of the economy in order to unleash socio-economic development and propel improvements in the economic and social lives of the people when he is in charge. What Ghanaians are yearning for is the creation of a pathway to prosperity for our people, especially young people.
We no longer have time to wait. There is no time to waste. For the way forward, Ghana must have a clear vision, an agenda and clarity of purpose for nation building. The ethos must be wrapped around wealth creation, inspiring the birth and the growth of potential and God given talents in all citizens, mobilizing wealth of diaspora, and harnessing youth potential, using oil money to benefit Ghanaians, inclusive growth and attack on corruption.
This demands to construct an agenda based on the vision conceptualized by Prof. J .Alabi for Ghana to be the high-tech hub in the sub region.
Can be contacted at: [email protected] or follow him on twitter@ckuunifaa