
Cacophony About Absolutely Nothing

By Daily Guide
Editorial Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia
JUL 7, 2017 LISTEN
Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

“We are undertaking all these projects not by borrowing but with less than 5% of our refined bauxite reserves,” said Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia about the mouthwatering deal he made in China.

A mischievous opposition such as the one we have in Ghana would expectedly damn a deal they did not get near to achieving for their motherland in their years in office.

The cacophony about the Chinese deal, not a loan per se, has exposed the fault line about the NDC in opposition.

Constructive and meaningful, if you like, sensible opposition is one which would inure to the interest of the country but which they abhor vehemently.

When however the objective of the opposition is about being heard for the wrong reasons, as in the case of the subject under review, then questions about the quality of opposition in the hands of the party are legitimate and justifiable when they are posed.

The Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia explained that the subject under review is only a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) which would eventually land in Parliament in consonance with the standards, and we regard the actions of the NDC so far as unnecessary and balderdash.

They have so far only exhibited their busybody nature to the $15 billion in a manner devoid of sincerity as demanded of decent politicians.

Even more surprising is their unproductive effort to compare the case being tackled with GITMO 2.

For a party seeking opportunities for equalization to tackle the government, we are compelled to describe them as mentally lazy.

Let them take it easy for the government in place has the mandate of the people of this country to be at the helms for four years.

Six months is too early for such unnecessary and mischievous queries.

A long track lies in front of the new government and the game has just started.

The speed with which the opposition is running in the early stages of the race should be reduced, lest they are degassed, as it were, even before we reach the first turn.

Opposition is an important segment of democracy when it is plied reasonably of course not when it is done so irresponsibly that the mischief becomes too obvious and leaves a stain on those on the other side of the divide.

If the explanations so far by the Vice President are unconvincing to the opposition and they would continue to put such a spin on the $15 billion to the extent of even describing it as a scam, then we must be worried that we have compatriots on the Minority side who can do anything for political leverage, including destroying the integrity of their neighbours.

Now that we know them more than we have ever done, their words and thoughts should no longer cause consternation but sources of derision.

When one is so obsessed with causing mischief, they lose their sense of reasoning and expose their folly.

Being busy with the task of charting the course of the opposition does not demand losing their integrity the way they are doing it, a few months in opposition.

From the BOST story to the Chinese deal, they have fumbled and wobbled badly.

The transparency in the transaction should have informed a departure from the ongoing noise. Won't they ever learn? They could be under a spell.
