Mon, 02 May 2016 Social News

Political parties must focus on addressing hardships - Workers

Political parties must focus on addressing hardships - Workers

By Godwill Arthur-Mensah, GNA
Takoradi, May 02, GNA - The Western Regional Secretary of Trades Union Congress (TUC), Mr. Ellis Ankomah, has asked the various political parties to address critical issues confronting the nation that has brought hardships to Ghanaians.

These, he said, included the high cost of living, graduate unemployment, high utility tariffs and the housing deficit.

Mr Ankomah advised the electorate to vote for political parties that were prepared to resolve the issues and take the country out from the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) conditionality so that the country could chart a sustainable development.

He observed that the stakes were high in this year's elections in view of the Election Petition at the Supreme Court after the 2012 general election, therefore, he asked workers to refrain from acts that could plunge the country into violence.

Mr. Ankomah was addressing the Regional May Day parade at the Takoradi Jubilee Park, in the Western Region, on Sunday, which was observed on the theme: 'Election 2016: The Role of Workers in Securing Peaceful Elections for National Development'.

The celebration enabled workers to take stock of the activities over the past years and plan the way forward towards sustainable economic development.

Some workers held placards with inscriptions such as : 'Lift the Ban on Employment', 'President, Don't let Galamsey Kill Ghana', 'ECG Concession Will Bring hardship to the People', 'For Good Facilities, Pay Your Taxes, 'Stop the Sale of ECG', 'Government Pay Workers Appreciable Salaries', among others.

The TUC Regional Secretary urged the various political parties, political activists and candidates contesting the election to desist from distasteful and unguided utterances that could inflame passion.

While entreating them to propagate ideas and messages that would enhance the living standards of the ordinary citizens and accelerate national development, the media must also be professional and circumspect in their work by ensuring free, fair and balanced reportage to promote peace in the run up to the elections and thereafter.

He advised the Electoral Commission (EC) to remain neutral and resolute in order to ensure that the election process was free, fair and transparent, saying 'As an independent body, you should remain neutral and apply the laws governing the elections because a compromised EC is a recipe for disaster'.

Mr. Ankomah urged the Government to meet its financial obligations to the Commission so that it could discharge its constitutional mandate to the letter.

The Regional TUC Secretary stated that Organised Labour had already engaged the EC on this year's elections to ensure fairness and transparency and it would soon engage the various political parties, so that they complied with the rules and regulations guiding the conduct of the elections.

He urged the Government to address human rights abuses meted out to some Ghanaians workers by some managers of foreign companies operating in the country in order to ensure industrial harmony.

He also appealed to the Government to improve the conditions in the prisons and increase the feeding allowance of inmates.

In an address, Mr. Paul Evans Aidoo, the Western Regional Minister, commended workers for their dedication and contribution towards national development and asked those indulging in absenteeism, lateness and laziness to desist from such negative attitudes.

He entreated workers not to allow themselves to be manipulated by elements in the society to foment trouble and advised eligible Ghanaians with sound mind who had attained 18 years and adults whose names were not on the electoral roll to register in the ongoing Limited Voter Registration Exercise.

The Regional Minister called on Ghanaians to behave responsibly to ensure the sustenance of the prevailing peace in order to promote growth of businesses, while workers must eschew negative attitudes towards work for increased productivity.

Some workers were rewarded for their meritorious contributions towards national development.

Mr Ivor Kobina Greenstreet, the Convention People's Party (CPP) Presidential Candidate, Heads of departments and Security Agencies graced the occasion.

