Mon, 01 Feb 2016 Feature Article

Vision Board: Tool Of Success

Vision Board: Tool Of Success

Friend, visualization is something we all do. Creative visualization is responsible for all that has happened and will happen in your life.

When you have an idea or notion to do anything, it is first visualized. You then make a plan and execute it to make it happen.

It is important to focus your visualizations on the things you most desire and want to achieve. They should be things that can make us happy. They should be things that can make the world a better place. They should be things we would love to share with our family, friends, members of our community and society at large.

It is said that what you focus on expands. What you see is what you get. The images in your mind would become your reality. If your thoughts dwell on the things you hate and do not want, you will manifest more of such negative things which will make you unhappy and miserable.

Remember, thoughts become things. It will serve you well to have positive thoughts; thoughts of things that will set your emotional juices flowing.

As I have already said, visualization is something we all do. It helps us translate our dreams or ambitions into reality.

However, what most people do not use is the Vision Board. This is one of the most important tools you will find in the toolkit of successful people.

A Vision Board is a personal development tool. Sometimes you look at your life and you are not satisfied with where you are. You may want to make changes to improve your life. This could be in the area of your family, marriage, career, health, personal finances, travel, relationships, wealth etc.

A Vision Board is a powerful tool for effecting change and for manifesting our heart’s desires. On your VB (Vision Board), display images or pictures of what you want to be, do or have.

Some people were not achieving their goals because of lack of clarity of what they want. It is not enough to say you want to be happy. What things will make you happy when you get them? You need to be specific about the goals you set.

It is not enough to say you want a car. What type of car will make you happy if you got it?

A VB will help you deal with such cases. You need to get pictures representing the specific things you want to bring to life.

We are always bombarded with so many distractions in our daily life. In the vicissitudes of life, we can lose track of what we want to achieve. A VB will help us focus. It will elicit our commitment.

It is important to see your VB every single day. Your VB can be in your home or office. What is important is for you to place it in a manner that you can see it every day.

By looking at your VB every day, you are constantly reminded that you have important business to do and accomplish. Oprah Winfrey, billionaire and celebrity once commented: “Vision Boards absolutely work; you have to have a vision and a plan to execute so that every step moves you in that vision.”

Affirmations are useful in helping us turn our dreams into reality. You are therefore advised to add affirmations to the pictures you display on your VB. Affirmations are positive statements you repeat to influence your subconscious mind to adopt empowering beliefs.

For instance you might affirm as follows: “I am rich and happy.” That will apply to someone whose goal is make money and have more positivity in his life.

VBs are powerful instruments for life transformation. When correctly used they can be a force to help us accomplish our cherished dreams and visions. Create your VB today and translate your visions into reality. No more excuses. Act Now!

Yours in inspiration,
Correction Officer, Priest & Author
