Thu, 19 Jun 2014 Feature Article

Ghana, The Facetious Country - Part 1

Ghana, The Facetious Country - Part 1
19 JUN 2014 LISTEN

Gold Coast, the pride of Africa. A land rich in human and natural resources, delightful place to be in the 17th and 18th century, later metamorphosed and became, GHANA!

That was a little flashback. This great and noble land has recently gain my vote as a place to act facetiously. To me,there is no if any country, who act so sarcastic as my beloved country, GHANA!

GHANA factually is a developing country who is fighting so hard to bridge the gap between her Economic status and that of the "Developed" nations. In so doing, many forums have been held, many policies have been exhibited and many strategic plans have been implemented all in the name of reaching the top of the "Developed" ladder, which has proven a total flop. The question now is; Does GHANA lack great Economist? , Do we have strategic planners in the country? , Are our resources enough to catapult us to the "Developed" destination? Answers to these questions if you're following me, have been answered in my introduction ".... A land rich in human and natural resources...." So then we ask again; What is wrong with GHANA then?. It is simple and plain " Facetiousness"

Ghana is known to make fun of any issue confronting the nation rather than addressing it. This jocular behavior has resulted in the bad state of this royal nation. Serious issues like one man receiving GH 58 million cedis from the country as a fine, was just address as" WOYOMI GARGANTUAN MONEY " and citizens enjoyed making fun of it on various media platforms and we all saw it extinction from the system.

Again famous quotes like; our ecominy, all die bi die , edey bi keke , boys abere , girls kasa, who said tweaa, to mention few, has also find themselves impeding the growth of the country as citizens will enjoy sharing these unwholesome quotes rather than addressing the important issues confronting the nation. Oh GHANA !!! Is indeed very pathetic.

What has made me more irascible are two recent issues. Firstly, Ghana's unstable electricity power supply. As serious as this issue is, Ghanaians have brought their facetious nature here, by enjoying the tune " dumsor dumsor" isn't this disgusting? The whole citizenry need to wake up and this time around be serious. Abah!

Secondly, the gradual deterioration of the country's economy; fuel price are high, the dollar risen ( $3 per cedi) , inflation growing high, high unemployment rate etc. and what Ghanaians can do is held to " Yentie Obiaa" , eiii ! GHANA this one too. Hmmm! I laughed with my eyes when I heard about another facetious tool ," Ya ye den demo" held in Kumasi. Hahaha! As an Akan proverb will put it " aberewa awu na ye de aberewa adi adee " meaning we have just postponed the funeral to another day.

FACETIOUS is now the unknown enemy of the state. Let's join hands and arrest it for treason. Is time we stop this bad behavior and see to the nation's development. We have tried many strategies to stabilise our economy which has proven futile, let us try this one also.

Watch out for PART 2.
" Let my voice be known"
Owusu Ebenezer Acheampong
(University of Ghana)
