Wed, 22 Apr 2009 Press Release



The Centre for Human Development & Social Change-Ghana,(CHDSCGhana) a development and human rights non-profit in Ghana in association with a number of governmental and non-governmental organisations is coordinating a number of major events by its Youth Clubs across the country to commemorate the 2009 Global Youth Service Day in Ghana.

Global Youth Service Day is the largest service event in the world. Millions of youth will participate in the 21st Annual Global Youth Service Day on April 24-26, 2009. Over the past 21 years, Global Youth Service Day has brought together more than 40 million people in thousands of communities worldwide.

During Global Youth Service Day, millions of youth around the world will organise community service projects to address the needs of their local communities through service, to be recognised for their contributions as community leaders, and to be a part of a global youth service movement. During this time, organisers hold forums, have public discussions and information campaigns in support of young people focusing on youth issues and how they can be addressed. A major focus of the celebration is practical action to further encourage the empowerment and participation of youth in the processes and decisions that affect their lives.

Activities lined up for the celebrations in the various communities are as follows:

In Mankessim in the Central region, the CHDSCGhana will be working with the five community youth organisations to do a clean up campaign, organise a forum and a sports and cultural music fiesta at the Mankessim market and in the community. This programme will be supported in part by the Ghana chapter of the world famous music service organisation,Percussive Arts Society,the Mankessim Enyan Abaasa Women Association and the International Centre for African Culture & Arts.

In Larteh-Akwapem at the Presbyterian Secondary and Technical School, the S.P.A.C.E (Sports, Performing Arts & Creative Education Project) chapter of the school will organise clean-up campaign activity and also host a Variety Show on the night of 26th April feature cultural music and dancing, poetry recitals,rap,proverbs and quiz all with themes on healthy eating habits, health education, environmental issues and the importance of the youth working together. Mr. Gordon Akyeampong of the University of Ghana, Ms Felicia Okai of the Ministry of Local Government,Accra and Dr. Ama Richardson from USA will be guests of honour.

Ms. Sabina Youpele will lead the community youth to organise a tree planting campaign and a discussion on the need for clean environment, promotion of resilience in health and the need for proper disposal of waste. Community leaders and public officials would be guest speakers.

At Kwadaso in Kumasi, Ms Paulina Ofori, a youth leader of the SPACE Chapter and a prominent Imam in Kumasi, Alhaji Baba Ali will chair a Community Cultural Arts event where participants would be educated on the concepts,challenges and the costs of climate change and to find ways to address them.

At Adansi-Akrofuom Senior High School in the Ashanti region, the local SPACE chapter led by Doris Appiah have earmarked the week as community service week and are to undertake clean up exercise. They will also facilitate a community forum on the MDG as it relates to the environment degradation, sanitation,good eating habits, climate change and the importance of good and regular physical exercise.

Other communities where SPACE chapters are already organising service activities and events includes Liberia Camp-Buduburam led by Rosetta Quena, New Edubiase under Brother Evans, Esseresso(Kumasi) led by Nana John Akyeampong, Obuasi Brahabebome under the leadership of Obaapa Nana Pomaa,Obuasi Kosovo has Nana Frimpong as the events coordinator and Sefwi Bekwai SPACE chapter is led by Kofi Mensah.

The CHDSCGhana is appealing to all young people and all who live near these beneficial communities to participate in these important youth service days and celebrations for the community to recognise their important role as community leaders capable of making a difference.

Sabina Youpele, Ms.
Centre for Human Development & Social Change,Ghana.

If you educate a man, you educate an individual, if you educate a woman, you educate a nation:
