
2024 May Day Celebration: Chief Nurudeen calls for better working conditions for Ghanaian workers

By Nurudeen Ibrahim || Contributor
Social News 2024 May Day Celebration: Chief Nurudeen calls for better working conditions for Ghanaian workers

A youth activist, Chief Nurudeen Ibrahim has called on government to prioritize the welfare of all workers in the country.

According to him, workers are the backbone of the country and deserve fair wages, safe working conditions and access to benefits.

“By investing in the well-being of the Ghanaian worker, we not only ensure their dignity and rights are respected but also strengthen our economy and promote social cohesion,” he said.

In his May Day statement copied to the media, Chief Nurudeen charged stakeholders in the country to help in advocating for better working conditions for all workers including those in the private sector.

He further appealed to the Akufu-Addo government to create visible and sustainable jobs for the teaming youth, revealing that unemployment is a threat to national security.

Read the full Press Statement

We, as a society, must recognize and appreciate the contributions of our hardworking workers who play a crucial role in driving our economy forward.

On this May day celebration, I stand on behalf of the Ghanaian youth to appeal to the government to prioritize the improvement of the condition of service for all workers.

Workers are the backbone of our country and deserve fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to benefits such as healthcare, accomodation allowance and paid leave.

It is essential for the government to implement policies that protect and support workers, especially during these challenging times were we have run to the IMF for a bailout.

Today, most Ghanaian workers depend on loans to make earns means and further cater for the needs of their families and associates.

By investing in the well-being of the Ghanaian worker, we not only ensure their dignity and rights are respected, but also strengthen our economy and promote social cohesion. Let us come together to advocate for better working conditions for all workers, and create a more just and equitable society for all.

Happy May Day!
Chief Nurudeen Ibrahim
(Youth Activist, and social commentator)
