25.05.2022 Feature Article

When the trumpets call Africa to glory

When the trumpets call Africa to glory
25.05.2022 LISTEN

"Lord hours ago an 18-year-old man in Texas/USA shot on his grandmother being in critical condition still before shooting nineteen Primary School students and two teachers before being shot dead by the police. Now as many many times before the President is calling for action and stopping the gun lobby. This year 20 school shootings and 200 mass shootings have shocked the country."

"You are also aware that in China there are these school problems with deadly outcomes but not widely communicated."

"Yes, my Lord, I heart about it. But in most countries around the world even in Africa, it is not heard. This is a sign of increased mental problems in these societies?"

"Americans know they have a serious problem at hand."

"What is the real reason behind all these?"

"Sodom and Gomorrah and Jericho...remember me, my son!"

"You mean the strong powers are crumbling and falling not from outside but from within?"

"Roman Empire etc. collapsed after about nine hundred years based on internal flights."

"What does it mean, my Lord?"

"The new power to take dominion over the world should get ready now to take charge in three to four generations to come in around one hundred years."

"You advise without starting the process now the timeline will not be met?"

"Even worse could happen, my son."

