
Desist from self-imprisonment—Police warn public

  Fri, 21 Jan 2022
Social News Desist from self-imprisonment—Police warn public

ACP Oduro Amaning, the Central East Deputy Regional Commander, has advised Ghanaians against what he describes as 'self-imprisonment' for fear of robbery and other criminal activities.

He observed that many Ghanaians had become prisoners in their own homes in an attempt to protect themselves and their properties from armed robbers and other criminal elements.

“We have burglar proofed our doors and windows and lock them up when going to sleep, this becomes difficult if there is a fire outbreak. It is very dangerous; the situation in many homes is not different from what we have in our cells,” he revealed.

His comments come on the back of the fire incident that killed a family of seven at Big Apple, a suburb of Gomoa Buduburam in the Central Region on Saturday.

Some residents have said that the burglar-proofed doors and windows of the headteacher and his family made rescue mission impossible.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), the Deputy Commander urged citizens to find alternative means of providing security in their homes for easy access in case of emergency.

“Let us protect ourselves but we should be careful not to imprison ourselves,” ACP Amaning cautioned.

He further implored the public to be security conscious to protect one another in their respective neighbourhoods.

“Neighbours can call the Police or the Fire Service when an incident occurs. When you hear somebody scream from their house, let us pay attention because the person could be under attack,” he implored.

