
Asokwa MCE inspires BECE candidates at Asokwa MA

Education Asokwa MCE inspires BECE candidates at Asokwa MA

The Asokwa Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah has encouraged candidates of the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) to remain calm and tackle all questions with much confidence.

The Asokwa MCE motivated them to look at the numerous successful people in the Municipality and put out their best performance, pass their exams and be like them in future.

“My young friends there is nothing to fear in this final exam of yours since, from today’s social studies questions as well as other papers you will write, similar or same questions you have previously attempted either in your school exams as well as mock would be repeated.
“All the great men and women you see in this area, including myself had to study seriously and give off our best during examinations, if we could make it to this point, then you can also make it. I know you shall all come out with flying colors,” the MCE noted, drawing cheerful giggles from the pupils.

The MCE said he was highly impressed with the comportment of the pupils at the centers visited.

This, he noted, makes him confident that the pupils are adequately prepared for the exams and would do well to pass all the papers billed to be written.

Mr. Akwannuasah also challenged the students to prove by their output that they deserve the free SHS education.

He noted that the free SHS programme introduced by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government is meant to offer all pupils of school-going age the opportunity to pursue Senior High education after Junior High School.

"This government led by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo does not want any school child to be left behind after JHS and that is why he has ensured that Senior High School was made free so that at least from SHS one could find his or her feet into real life or further his or her education at the tertiary level’’, he stated.

The Asokwa MCE visited five centers including the Kumasi High School, Ahensan MA, and Kaase MA.

James Appiakorang
James Appiakorang

News ContributorPage: JamesAppiakorang
