
This Ghanaian C-Section Mother Of 3 Is All The Inspiration You Need On Your Weight Loss Journey

By Maame Tiwaa Dadson
This Ghanaian C-Section Mother Of 3 Is All The Inspiration You Need On Your Weight Loss Journey
12.08.2018 LISTEN

My name is Debbie Dadson known as Maame Tiwaa Dadson. I'm originally from Ghana but live in USA. I’m 32, Christmas Eve baby.

A wife and a mother of 3..I graduated from high school in ghana, came here when I was 19 years old. Went to Francis Tuttle Technology Center....Life is really busy, but I enjoy playing music, dancing,spending time with my family and hanging out with friends when there is a chance.

A stay at home mom and also a business woman. will be going back to work soon though, when baby is a bit older. I’m also the Founder of Veils Of Women #VOW. I created this page because I believe together we can as Women. It was tough growing up. though, I was surrounded by people who loved me.

My Dad, Granny, Auntie, siblings and other family members. These were the things that pushed me to create my page VOW just to help others when possible. I designed the page as a helpful tool to encourage Women from different walks of life to follow their passions, voice their opinions, and support one another.

Talk about issues relating to women in general. I want women to build each other up and not tear each other down. As women, we want to empower one another because it is our belief that One woman's success is inspiration for another.

Help those in need, I’m sure you’ve seen the charity work and donations we’ve done so far? All the trainings we are offering...Because that’s what VOW is all about.

C- Section isn't as easy as you think
Well we all know often, C-sections are scheduled in advance for several reasons but sometimes they become essential lifesaving procedures during emergencies.

So that’s one reason I ended up with my first C-section and it was emergency. What happened was, my baby’s heart rate was dropping so they had to cut me fast. With my last two, my doctor told me, cesarean delivery would be best and will need C-sections for all future pregnancies.

I was told the complication of delivering vaginally after a C-section is a rupture of the uterus during labor, which can result in a hysterectomy for a mother or neurological complications for a baby.

But uterine ruptures are uncommon though but hey I didn’t mind going in for Cesarean though it was scary. With God all things are possible. You just pray and pray for your doctors and nurses too and leave the rest to God.

What I do to look fit and healthy is, so after each birth, I work out a bit about 10 minutes on a home bike and 10minute on my Ab Wheel rollout. I try to eat healthy foods, veggies, fruits, whole grains. But I love food I and my family eats a lot of okra soups very healthy with spinach so instead of banku, we eat it with Cream Of Wheat. Very healthy.

I love love my spinach smoothie...smoothies made with raw, leafy green vegetables. Nasty huh? But very healthy.Green smoothies are good sources of minerals and vitamins. ... If the vegetables are pureed so that the fiber is still intact, they will help fill you up so the trick is, instead of eating something heavy, drink one glass of smoothies with something small on the side.

Since this was my first encounter with the whole thing I started small with a 5 day challenge. If you are reading this and want to join in the fun you can...The rules are simple, make a smoothie everyday for as long as you can that includes two big handfuls of greens (spinach, kale, whatever you like. Or just do fruits smoothies )

I prefer just spinach and coconut water.I n my house almost everything we eat is Organic. Less sugar and salt. what actually helps me lose weight is breastfeeding too. I breastfeed my babies till they are 18 months.

That’s one of my secrets; just love looking fit so whatever it takes to look good, I go for it and my husband is always looking out for me, what I eat means so much to him.

So we try not to eat too much junk food.
A little advice to those reading this, healthy behaviors can go a long way toward improving your health and lowering your risk of many cancers as well as heart disease, stroke, diabetes you name it...And they’re not as complicated as you might think.So take control of your health, and encourage your family to do the same.

And to all Women out there, I believe we all have an obligation to help those who are less fortunate, and that doing so can reward us with more than just feelings of doing good.

It is taught that all good deeds should be done selflessly and out of the kindness of your heart. I believe, however, that people should consider how helping others will help themselves in other ways.i believe that’s where I get my blessings from. Setting a positive example is another reward of helping others.

By contributing resources like time, money, and energy... and I mean positive energy.

I am privileged to be in good health
I believe that when you take action to help others, you are investing in your own future. By extending yourself and taking action to support a belief, cause, individual, or group, you can reach new personal heights.

A little advice to those reading this,healthy behaviors can go a long way toward improving your health and lowering your risk of many cancers as well as heart disease, stroke, diabetes you name it...And they’re not as complicated as you might think.So take control of your health, and encourage your family to do the same.

And to all Women out there, I believe we all have an obligation to help those who are less fortunate, and that doing so can reward us with more than just feelings of doing good. It is taught that all good deeds should be done selflessly and out of the kindness of your heart. I believe, however, that people should consider how helping others will help themselves in other ways.i believe that’s where I get my blessings from. Setting a positive example is another reward of helping others. By contributing resources like time, money, and energy... and I mean positive energy.

I am privileged to be in good health
I believe that when you take action to help others, you are investing in your own future. By extending yourself and taking action to support a belief, cause, individual, or group, you can reach new personal heights .
