By Jahangir Alam Akash, At least 43 peoples were killed in last 50 days from 1st August to 19th September, 2009 in Bangladesh. Last killing was happened in Pabna on 19th September, 2009.
An accused regional leader of outlawed Janajuddho was killed by police in the name of 'crossfire' at Nandanpur under Pabna Sadar Upazila. The dead, Sukkur Ali alias Boma Sukkur, 30, was son of Abdul Hakim Pramanik of Nandanpur village. Source: the daily Star, 20.9.2009
It is our great question that has in Bangladesh any rule of law, human rights, democracy and good governance?
In Bangladesh have no right to life. Here have no right to life. Every day peoples has kills by so-called elite force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) or by police. Previous report: 'Killing by government: violation of constitution and UN universal declaration'
We seem that, all the institutional system like judiciary, rule, law, regulations, and constitution, national assembly has been disabled. Not only that, the media role regarding so-called crossfire, gunfight or encounter is very bad. They only are publishing a normal report about the so-called shootout every day by the direction of RAB or police.
Previous report: 'If government wants to do continue extra judicial killings!'
But, they didn't try to cover as an investigator or as a responsible media. Because we know very well that, media should always publish real figure facts for the peoples and its' they're professional duties. Every peoples have right to know. But, the media of Bangladesh didn't show their actual duties about the murders of state.
Links of the previous reports:
Though, some human-rights organizations have long been asking the government to stop the killings terming them extra judicial. On the other hand, the High Court on 29th June, 2009 asked to the government to explain why killing without trial in extra judicial killings will not be declared illegal, and why departmental and criminal actions should not be taken against those who perpetrate such killings in custody and outside. After this ruling what happened, we don't know. But, extra judicial killings are going on by violating the highest Court ruling. How it continuing? It's very alarming for human rights, democracy as well as right to life.
RAB was killed an alleged criminal Mohammad Ali, 25 at Mirpur outer Stadium on 18th September, 2009. Other unidentified one was killed in Chawgachha of Jessore by the police on same day. Mohammad Ali was killed at around 2:45am. Unidentified accused mugger was killed at Jessore-Chawgachha road at about 2:00am. Source: the daily Star, 19th September, 2009.
Government source told, 577 people were killed in extra judicial killings in 472 incidents until August 31, 2009 since the formation of the elite force RAB on March 26, 2004 in the regime of BNP-Jammat. With these killing, the total of such extra-judicial killings to 42 in over six weeks from August 1 to September 18 in 2009 with them 19 such killings in August and 23 were in last 18 days.
The government of Bangladesh has been violating the constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights day after day since 2004. With the direction of the article 35(5) of the constitution of Bangladesh and the article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 'No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'.
And according to the article 3 of the constitution of Bangladesh 'everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.' But in practice in Bangladesh has no right to life and not executed the Universal Declaration of human rights and the Constitution of Bangladesh.
Please visit and see the bellows links about peace and democracy (which were published in the oldest Bengali national daily Sangbad, Bangladesh) (20-09-2009) (21-08-2009) (17-8-2009) (9-8-2009) (31.7.2009) (16.07.2009) (26.06.2009)
If Bangladesh wants to introduce own self as a civilized country to the world then must be follow strictly to the Universal Declaration of human rights and the Constitution of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh government has taken dualism regarding extra judicial killings. They say to the international community that in Bangladesh has no extra judicial killings. On the other side, every day in Bangladesh was happened extra judicial killings in the name of so-called crossfire, gunfight or encounter. So we could say that the present government of Bangladesh is a liar. Because, before the last general election they told to the nation openly that, 'if they would form power then they must stopped the extra judicial killings'. But, now it's going on. We strongly condemned about the attitude of government regarding extra judicial killings.
Please watch Bangladesh (About Islamic militancy, extra judicial killings and minority torture). (Unbearable time-with English subtitle) (BIHR part-1) (BIHR part-2) (BIHR part-3) (Unbearable time part-1) (Unbearable time part-2) (Extra judicial killings-Maznu) (Minority killings) (Islamic militancy-5 Badsha) (Islamic militancy, crossfire -6 Major Rashid) (Islamic militancy-4 Bashar) (Islamic militancy-1 Khejur) (Islamic militancy-2 Rabeya) (Islamic militancy-3 Mother of Zia) (Islamic militancy-1 MP Ishrafil) (Malay sir interview)
If the government wants betterment of Bangladesh and if they believe rule of law, constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights then they could firstly established rule of law. We want to say to the government please stop the extra judicial killings and should immediately start to trial against the war criminals. We believe that otherwise wouldn't stop the Islamic militancy. 20.9.2009
Editor and publisher of the Human Rights Today