Mon, 13 Jul 2009 Feature Article

Escalating rate of divorce not healthy

Escalating rate of divorce not healthy
13 JUL 2009 LISTEN

Wait a minute, have you taken a look at most of the advertising posters pasted on vantage points on structures at bus stops, newspaper boxes and checked the number of them that are calling for people who want to get divorce?

It is sad for one to observe that most of these places already mentioned as vantage points for advertisement could have as many as seven divorce adverts made by renowned lawyers calling on those seeking for divorce to come for consultation and quick service.

Wow, "for quick, better and cheap divorce service call this numbers…" as they provide the cell numbers of those legal aids. “Oh my God" screamed a passenger who was waiting to board a bus from one of the Toronto's busiest stops one early Sunday morning to church as he could not believe his eyes after reading those adverts and asked why these adverts everywhere in this country of late.

This question pricked me so hard that I tried to find an answer to it by conducting an in depth investigation into it on my own and if for nothing at all for my own good as it will guide me against it as I prepare to enter into that holy matrimony not far from now.

It was very encouraging to start that investigation from the various news paper publications in the Greater Toronto Area [GTA] but has to stop because the startling revelations that were coming out was very horrible.

Love giving birth to marriage is one language, while divorce is also different language on its own which the adult race only speaks where true love becomes common after they have tied the knot and become one body by sharing almost everything they have as unified body and not man and woman.

But the second language, divorce gets onto their lips when uncertainties set in their relationship as married couple and could not solve them but allow them to get out of hand covering "no", let each one goes his way becomes the only word making the swearing of "till death do us part" meaningless".

In a love song composed by a popular Ghanaian musician Abrantie Amakye Dede which says "Bebia Odo Wo No, Ewhaa Na Owuo Nso Wo" to wit, "where there is love, death also hangs around" making it clear that where there is love and marriage, divorce also hangs around the corner.

When one travels down memory lane he will find that marriage institution was established by God when he created the garden of Eden and created man called Adam first and alone. But Adam, was very lonely supervising the creation of his master, therefore he asked God to provide him a companion which God granted by taking one of his ribs and created a woman called Eve for him.

According to the scriptures, Adam was happy and thanked God for giving him a companion therefore beginning what we are now describing as marriage which has served as the only source for human multiplication since generation.

It is described as holy matrimony because before a man and woman enters into it, several customs and prayers must be performed or said to ensure that God blesses it to travel the distance it must go otherwise it will hit the rocks for the institution to suffer, which God frowns on that.

In truth and reality, when a man and a woman enters into marriage and follow the laid down rules and advice attached to it to ensure that it goes the full length of it, it is so wonderful enjoying it.

So why is it that there are so many divorce cases scattered in every part of the world? The answer is not easy arriving at as all attempts for one to find out why lead him to so many issues creating a long debate which many have been found to be justifying the seeking of divorce or separation of married couple's.

As part of efforts trying to find out the causes of divorce in the system, a minister of God, observed that there have been many divorce cases because of the misconception some people have that once holy institution is now a busy entity and that one can choose to enter at anytime and walk out from it anytime so it is losing its powers for divorce to rule supreme currently.

On the other side some few men who did not want to disclose their names also challenged that the problem of divorce being faced currently in the system at the moment has come about due to the fact that women now see themselves as more powerful than their husbands therefore showing gross disrespect to them especially when they are earning more money than their husbands and whenever they try to establish control over them as husbands resulting in divorce.

Some women also do not agree to what their male counterparts were arguing shifting the blame on males saying, gone are the days where men discharged their duties fully as such therefore discarding that responsibility over women.

"For instance if my male counterpart refuses to treasure me as woman by beating me all the time, subject me to hunger, humiliation, insults and do not provide for the house, I should not divorce him?" one woman threw an open question which was in support of divorce.

But whoever the argument favours, it is clear that society is losing sight of the fact that it is an established institution for the matured and not for the premature and therefore whoever is not matured and forces himself into should expect to face so many forms of problems such as lack of respect from the society he lives in, premature birth, lack of responsibility on the side of the children produced out of that marriage and many more.

The failure these days by the elderly to subject man and woman found to be interested in getting married to various counseling to train them or get them to be matured fully before allowing them to get into the institution has also been identified as one of the causes of high rate of divorce in our times.

In I Corinthians 12:13, Paul talked about spiritual gift of marriage where they were exercising it out of selfishness and pride which made the Church to suffer. Accordingly, the spiritual gift is love and for every gift that must be exercised is to love well.

Really it takes courageous and faithful persons to enter into this holy matrimony where after swearing till death do us part will remain in it, mature in it and let the fruits of this institution serve as good lessons for the young and upcoming ones.

Married couples have been advised not to suffer from unpalatable words that can destroy the happiness of their marriage. They should speak good words to comfort their counterparts since they take strength from togetherness.

"I want to urge all married couples to speak comfort, love and respect to their husbands and wives and believe this will help us control the numerous problems that erupts out of marriages in this generation of late" a concerned men pointed out.

Again I Peter 3:7 and Malachi 3:13-14 call on all husbands and wives to live up to their responsibilities so that they can receive grace from God.

Credit: Stephen A.Quaye,Toronto-Canada.

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