Wed, 15 May 2024 Swimming

Olympian Alice Nana Dearing launches Swimming Academy at Achimota School

By Sammy Heywood Okine
Olympian Alice Nana Dearing launches Swimming Academy at Achimota School

Alice Nana Dearing, a British Ghanaian swimmer who performed at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games has launched a Swimming Academy - Swim With Your Meaning (SWYM) at the Achimota School in Ghana.

According to Alice, she was inspired and advised by her mum who comes from Osu in Accra.

The fact that Achimota has produced many distinguished and popular international statesmen including Presidents Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Flight L. J.J/. Rawlings and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe

So far over 20 swimmers have signed up to join the Swimming Academy, however, she expects to have about 250 regular swimmers in the future.

She advocates for freedom and human rights and backs more blacks and females to have the water experience.

She told the media, she wants to help coaching structures in some countries that lack the experience and facilities.

In June 2021, she was the first black female swimmer to represent Great Britain in open water events at the 2020 Olympic Games.
