04.11.2017 Feature Article

WordDigest: Just One Day

WordDigest: Just One Day
04.11.2017 LISTEN

"He has blocked my way so I cannot pass; he has shrouded my paths in darkness." [Job 19:8] NIV

The scripture tells us about Job who at a point in his life was faced with a lot of difficulties.

Job went through toughed challenges yet he trusted God for a change.

What were some of Job's darkest moments?
-He lost his wealth (houses,livestock)
-Death destroyed his entire family (wife and children).

-Job had wounds all over his body.
-Job became a laughing-stock for others especially his friends.

In all these terrible conditions, Job did not curse God.

While in trouble, never did it crossed his mind that there would be a moment of shine one day.

And the scripture Job 42:10 says "
After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before."

[Job 42:10] NIV
Today whatever the situation is do not loose faith in God.

Have it at the back of your mind that God can turn situations around for good in just one day.

Therefore leave the battle for the Lord to fight and wait for the victory.

Be hopeful in God.
God bless you for reading and sharing His word.
O God do not abandon us in our darkest moments. Save us in Jesus' name, Amen.

Christ Jesus is the redeemer.
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