16.08.2017 Opinion

Cave Canem---Beware Of The Dogs

By Erskine Dziwornu Nuku, Akatsi North VR
Cave Canem---Beware Of The Dogs
16.08.2017 LISTEN

Political power is always important to the development of any political organization. The fight for this power makes the party stronger and builds a sturdy will of the sympathizers and the floating voters. For this, the strength of the party depends on the pillars on which it is built. You will agree with me that, the foundation and the pillars of your building is what define the strength of your building. Weak foundations and pillars are synonymous to disaster and makes you lose your precious time and resources. Just like our buildings, our party structures are also built on foundations and pillars. The sustainability of the party depends on the structures and pillars we have.

One may ask; what type of pillars do you have for your political party? As already said, the weaker the pillars, the weaker the party. The stronger the pillars the stronger the party. Therefore, it boils down on us as aficionados to hold steadfast to the pillars, square them regularly so that the walls or the whole building wouldn’t fall on us. In checking them, the ones that are getting punier needs to be replaced. Keeping weaker pillars also weaken the already stronger ones with time and before you know, the harm is through.

Take your time to reflect on what causes a pillar to diminish. You will agree with me that, using phony cements, filthy sand and derisory gravel is a factor. Incongruous ratio of the concrete is another factor. In the first instance, using a bogus cement is just like electing a perfidious person to occupy a high position in your political structure. There we go saying “political parties go with numbers”, yes but with one disloyal person in your structure, the party is doomed.

Using filthy sand means using people who have corrupted minds or murky minds before joining the party. This dirty minds entwined the person to only amass wealth. These people are selfish and greedy. They do not have any respect for humanity. They are pompous and uncouth. they are not sociable and always power drunk. These personalities never win souls for a political party.

The diminutive numbers of the party also, lose interest in the party because of their selfishness and bad character. They never attract sympathizers to the party and the floating members feel insecure and later feel pity for the members. These people need not to be tolerated, less you want a lean membership. Their wealth should not be seen as a blessing to the party but a bait for a purpose: amass wealth, and with the excuse that they have invested a lot and absorbed their resources because of the party. Money is needed to build a party but should be a sacrifice to humanity because the party is not a business venture.

The ratio of materials in building a pillar is a necessary evil. The apportioning of the right ratio determines the strength of your pillar and the foundation. Selecting the right people for the job is what builds a party. When the right people dominates the executive structures, the party looks solid and indestructible. But on the contrary, when the wrong people dominates the executive structures of the party, the center never holds; everything falls apart. It is just putting a square peg in a round hole!!!

For our party pillars to be strong we need to use the best materials in the right ratio. Our evolutions in the party will be marred by these evils. Sight the good ones and sphere them, hold them tight because they are the right people who can fight for the interest of the party. For you to be politically enlightened, you need to think of your future and then fight for it. You need not sit down and watch the pillars and the structures fall, less they fall on you.
