Sat, 25 Feb 2017 Feature Article

Citizen Emerging Leader: The Root Cause of Irresponsibility

Citizen Emerging Leader: The Root Cause of Irresponsibility
25.02.2017 LISTEN

It is widely said; "When I become a leader, I will do the best". But it is widely known; "When I become a leader, I do the worst".

What is this syndrome plaguing African leaders? I hate having to constantly write on problems in African societies, but as long as bad always outweighs the good in these societies and not vice versa, my writings on problems would not end anytime soon. It is left to the society to recognize these hindrances as espoused, and make something meaningful out of the solutions offered.

The role of citizens in a society should never be underrated. A literal definition of a citizen is a recognised member of a nation. A normative definition describes a citizen as a willing member of a nation who contributes his effort to national development. The role of citizens in African societies are 'privileges'- a continent where individuals expect from government but are conveniently blind to society's expectations of them.

The social orientation of individuals in a society influences their actions should they become leaders. The idea of shifting all responsibilities to government never leaves even when these individuals themselves become government. Never in my earthly existence have I seen an African political leader accepting blame for poverty within a society. Instead, they shift the blame to their predecessors, and in cases where there are no predecessors, the prevailing environment becomes a 'victim' of political blame - a condition where wrong decisions are deemed the results of prior wrong decisions.

In Ghana, party colours justify flaws with equalisation. As long as the opposition did it, it is no big deal when 'I' do same.

Orienting citizens to be responsible makes them responsible leaders. Although power has been handed over to government, it does not make citizens handicapped to better their lives-to surrender does not mean to be disabled.

When President Nana Akuffo Addo in his inaugural speech made the statement to Ghanaians; "be citizens and not spectators...",he was not far from the truth. The root cause of irresponsible leaders is irresponsibility as a citizen.

Negligence and blame games, if stopped on the individual level would be stopped on the national level. Citizens should recognise their roles with regard to state growth and act in accordance to the fulfillment of these roles.

#Responsible Citizens Become Responsible Leaders
Rachael Omeife
(Department if Political Studies)
[email protected]
