
Nana Akosua Kusiwaa I, Queen-Mother Of Asantes In The Netherlands Enstools Sub-Qeenmothers

Diaspora (Netherlands) Nana Akosua Kusiwaa I, Queen-mother of Asantes in The Netherlands with her elders
MAY 8, 2016 LISTEN
Nana Akosua Kusiwaa I, Queen-mother of Asantes in The Netherlands with her elders

Amsterdam, The Netherlands--7th May 2016: Nana Akosua Kusiwaa I, Queenmother of Asantes in The Netherlands, has enstooled six queens as her sub-qeenmothers at a very cheerful and colourful ceremony displaying Asante traditions at best.

The enstooled Queenmothers inlcude

  1. Nana Ama Amanfo - Abakomahemaa
  2. Nana Akua abankwah - Gyidomhemaa
  3. Nana Yaa boatemaa Agyeman - Adontenhemaa
  4. Nana Afia Saah - Dwantoahemaa
  5. Nana Yaa Pinamang - Mamponghemaa
  6. Nana Atwima Mansa - Gyaasihemaa

It was indeed a day that celebrated true tradition of Asante Queen mothers.

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