Wed, 23 Dec 2015 General News

Apostle Dr. Stephen Owusu Jackson Implores Politicians To Be Mindful Of Their Choice Of Words

By Kofi Oppong Kyekyeku/
Apostle Dr. Stephen Owusu Jackson Implores Politicians To Be Mindful Of Their Choice Of Words

The Chairman of Christian Praise International Center (C.P.I.C), Apostle Dr. Owusu Jackson has entreated Ghanaian politicians to be mindful of their choice of words as the electioneering season draws nearer.

Apostle Dr. Stephen Owusu Jackson speaking in an interview with the News Hunter Magazine on Sunday after the church held its Christmas Convention themed: “Behold This Child Was Born For The Rise And Fall Of Many” at Sunyani in the Brong Ahafo Region called on all political parties to be circumspect in their campaign messages and think about the future of the nation first.

He said it is his prayer that whatever they will utter may be words of peace—and not words that will cause chaos in the country.

“This is our land, we have no where to go, It is my prayer that we will continue to enjoy our peace before and after the elections. Let’s all understand that, it’s God who enstool—and dethrone a King, He does whatever He likes. No human being can change the plans of the lord.

“Let’s all help in building Ghana—and I think Ghana has a great future if we allow God to lead us. Politicians should be guided by the word of God and it will be a blessing for us all. It is my prayer that Ghana will have a peaceful and incident free election,” he said.

Apostle Dr. Stephen Owusu Jackson also appealed to the youth of Ghana to refrain from any bad manners as Christmas approaches.

“The bible says you should remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come—my advice for the youth of Ghana in this Christmas festivities is that, they should put their will and trust in Jesus. Christmas shouldn’t be the day for drinking alcohol, cigarette/wee smoking and other things which will work against the body. I beg all Ghanaian youth to refrain from such practices.

“I urge them to work and plan towards the future today because the future starts from now. If you fail to build your future today, you will live to regret in the future because life belongs to the almighty God. I appeal to them to depend on the lord who is the helper of humanity. David, Solomon and even some of us who gave our life to Him have benefited from his glory which saves His saints from distress and troubles,” He posited.

He added: “Let’s depend on Him so that Ghana will have a better future. The youth are the future of this country. Ghana will suffer if the youth do not have a great future when the older ones fade out. May the good lord bless all the youth of Ghana. He should give them the grace of wisdom to study and do great things that will benefit the country.”
