
Photos: Deplorable state of Mepe R/C JHS causes fear among students

By MyJoyOnline
General News Photos: Deplorable state of Mepe R/C JHS causes fear among students

Students of Mepe R/C JHS in North Tongu District of the Volta Region live in fear daily as a result of a shabby structure they study in.

Speaking to Joy News’ Ivy Setordzi, a student said “our classroom blocks are not built well. When the sun shines, we feel it and when it rains, the rains pass through the thatched roofs to wet our books.”

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Gertrude Akaho added that the students have been forced to use bamboo sticks to support the dilapidated structure which was started in 1989.

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There are about 225 students, ten permanent teachers and six teacher trainees in the school.

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According to the Headmaster of the school, Francis Nawokpor the uncompleted structure has not seen any renovation after it was abandoned in 1991.

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“I use a table under a tree in the school as my office and I join the students when the tree branches are unable to shield me from the sun,” Francis Nawokpor told Ivy.

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He says the situation gets worse when it rains as students either run to seek shelter elsewhere or go home.

“The situation is that terrible. So anytime it is about to rain, we have no option to close to save the lives of the students,” he said.

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According to the headmaster, “All efforts being made to get help from government and other stakeholders have proven futile.”

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A student pleaded with the government, organizations and individuals to come to their aid.

"We want the government and individuals to come and help us build new classroom blocks so that we can learn and pass our exams very well."

Story by Ghana || Akosua Asiedua Akuffo| [email protected]
