Hear ye me, o, fellow Ghanaians the world over. Be it made understandably clear to you that democracy as in practice in Ghana is not the panacea for the problems constantly faced by the nation.
The practice of governance in Ghana is all about the politicians coming to power to enrich themselves by stealing. This is an undisputable fact that only a blockhead will dare deny.
Ghanaian politicians from empirical observations do come to power not to serve the people but to be served by the people, the opposite of what prevails in the Whiteman’s land. Shameful though!
They come to engage in malfeasances, corruption, and all acts of malpractices to ensure they become rich within the little span of their time in office. By this deplorable attitude of theirs, inherent as it has become, how can Ghana prosper as a nation?
Our multi-party system of government, thus, democracy, as it is seen to be nauseously practised in Ghana with the political parties in opposition constantly undermining the other in government, it becomes only too glaring that the country can never be developed by that system of government.
Therefore, I had better wish a leader of the qualities and capabilities of young Captain Ibrahim Traore, the current 36-year-old military leader of the neighbouring Burkina Faso, formerly Upper Volta, upon Ghana. He is selfless, visionary, dynamic, incorruptible, and dedicated to the service of his nation.
Barely two years or so into office, he has been able to enviously put his Sahelian country, Burkina Faso, on the pedestal of development to the joy of many a serious and knowledgeable African.
He has become the topic of discussion and the personality of pride on the continent of Africa, only second to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda.
Look at the policies and programmes this young leader is implementing in his country. Look how ordinary a person he has elected himself to remain, all in the interest of rendering an enviable service to his country and people.
He is not interested in material things or wealth, unlike his counterparts in Ghana in particular, and Africa in general.
He is the type of leader I would wish for any African country if I had my own way. He is surely able to develop his country, if and only if, he will be left alone without any interference from national and international saboteurs.
Should he stay in office for say ten years, without any sabotage from within and outside his country, continuing selflessly to serve his nation in the direction he has chosen, his country will become like current day Rwanda.
I am not sure any Burkinabe will dare practise any open corruption under the administration of Head of State Ibrahim Traore. It can’t happen!
Why are Ghanaians not aspiring to have such a leader but rather continue to shout NPP, NDC, CPP, etc.
The NDC as a matter of fact, speaking the gospel truth, do not wish Ghana any good. They are constantly lying about the NPP government, undermining her, and wishing her dead. Why do we have to vote such evil party into power only for them to come to line their deep pockets to the detriment of the advancement of the nation?
Democracy has failed Ghana and Africa, seeing how our politicians use it to sabotage themselves and to plunder the nation for their selfish ends.
In the name of democracy, our judges and lawyers have allegedly become corrupt, often delaying justice, and selling justice to the highest bidder, so some people say.
Until we get a person of the qualities of Ibrahim Traore or Paul Kagame, Ghana will never develop to any appreciable level.
When President Nana Akufo-Addo puts in place systems intended for advancing Ghana in her socio-economic emancipatory pursuit, Mr John Mahama and his NDC will come out with hatched plots to derail the systems. Therefore, for every one step up the ladder that the NPP take the country, the NDC come to take her two steps back or lower.
Without being loquacious, I call on our leaders to emulate Captain Ibrahim Traore. He is the man with the clout and vision to develop a country, unlike most of the African leaders.
When will Ghana have her Ibrahim Traore?
I admire this young leader overflowing with selflessness, vision, honesty, and dedication to serve his country and people.
Shame on all those Ghanaian visionless politicians selfishly stealing money left, right, centre and forward; and again, creating inter-regional and tribal enmity among Ghanaians.
How I wish most Ghanaians would follow Head of State Ibrahim Traore on the YouTube to learn more about the good things he is doing for his country. He is someone that one can proudly call a leader, unlike his many other counterparts in Africa.