
Security agencies will advertise but won't sell forms — Interior Minister clarifies

Headlines Security agencies will advertise but won't sell forms —Interior Minister clarifies

The Interior Minister, Henry Quartey has stated that the various security agencies will open advertisements to the general public but prospective recruits will not be made to buy forms.

Speaking on Peace FM’s 'Kokrokoo' morning show, the minister explained that, with the events of Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with the insurgence of the Russia-Ukraine war, there is great economic distress among the citizenry.

Given that, the Interior Ministry together with the security agencies have concluded that recruitment will be opened but forms will not be sold to the public.

He said, “We have not started the recruitment process. There is an indication and as the Interior Minister, I won’t lie. There will be recruitment, which is a fact. But the agencies have not advertised. The clarity in this matter is that, yes, they will advertise but we will not sell forms.”

According to the Ayawaso Central MP, recruitment forms have been sold over the years to thousands of applicants, but it is a handful that gets called by the various security agencies.

This, according to the minister, creates an impression of mistrust amongst persons interested in being recruited.

“Due to the financial distress imposed on us by the Russian and Ukraine war, and Covid-19, the most available outlet everyone thinks they could go into is recruitment.

“Usually the members are huge and some persons have always been purchasing forms anytime it is opened up for sale. It poses a great deal of challenges for families who are not able to raise the funds to purchase the forms.

“If we don’t take care, we will be disenfranchising a lot of people who have what it takes to be recruited into the security force," he stated.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
