Wed, 22 May 2024 Social News

Ghana Card registration in Pusiga lawful, we’ll continue – NIA slams NDC

  Wed, 22 May 2024
Ghana Card registration in Pusiga lawful, well continue  NIA slams NDC

National Identification Authority (NIA) has stated that the ongoing Ghana Card registration exercise in the Pusiga District is “lawful, proper, necessary, and wholly wholesome.”

Dr Edward Omane Boamah, the Director of Elections and IT for NDC, in a Facebook post, claimed that the registration exercise in Pusiga was politically motivated, masquerading as a collaboration with IOM.

According to him, the NIA’s purpose was “simply to aid illegal voters in the last lap of the voter registration process.”

But the NIA in a statement on Wednesday, May 22 refuted these claims, emphasising its focus on ensuring accurate identification for vulnerable Ghanaian populations, especially those living near the Ghana-Burkina Faso border.

The goal is to facilitate easy border crossings, grant access to public services, and enhance security within the border area.

The NIA reaffirmed its commitment to registering all Ghanaians at home and abroad, issuing them Ghana Cards to advance economic, social, and political development. This mission extends beyond the NIA alone; it involves collaboration with other entities as prescribed by law.

“For the avoidance of doubt, NIA will continue to carry out its mandate of registering Ghanaians in Pusiga and environs aimed at expanding access to the Ghana Card and thereby improving identification and border security in that part of Ghana,” it added.

