
Citizens' Coalition demands 7 actions from government to ensure accountability

By Beyonce Diamond Kpogli
General News Citizens' Coalition demands 7 actions from government to ensure accountability

The Coalition for Democratic Accountability and Inclusive Governance, commonly known as the Citizens' Coalition, has outlined seven critical actions for the Ghanaian government to implement.

These demands were announced at a press briefing in Accra, led by Dr. Kojo Asante, a prominent member of the Coalition.

Dr. Asante emphasized the urgency of citizen involvement in holding the government accountable. "Now is not the time to be spectators. We have to assert our citizenship and demand accountability all the time," he declared. He urged Ghanaians to support anti-corruption institutions, particularly the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP), while also insisting on accountability from these entities.

The Coalition's demands come amid growing concerns about corruption and impunity, which they warn could destabilize the nation if left unchecked. The seven actions they are calling for are as follows:

1. Full Publication of the SML-GRA Agreement
The Coalition insists on the government releasing the complete details of the agreement between the SML and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). This move is aimed at ensuring transparency in governmental financial dealings.

2. Report on Cecilia Dapaah's Source of Money
They demand a comprehensive report from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service on the source of funds associated with Madam Cecilia Dapaah. Additionally, they urge the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) to revisit its decision not to investigate this case, in line with Section 1 (3) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

3. Stakeholder Engagement in Accountability Legislation

The Coalition calls for inclusive stakeholder engagement in the development of legislation aimed at enhancing accountability and coordinating anti-corruption efforts. This approach is intended to ensure that all voices are heard in the legislative process.

4. Approval and Enactment of the Conduct of Public Office Holders Bill

They are pressing for the swift approval and implementation of the Conduct of Public Office Holders Bill. This legislation is seen as crucial for regulating asset and liability disclosure, gift-giving in public service, influence peddling, and conflict of interest. The Coalition stresses that this bill, which has languished in legislative limbo for over a decade, should also address unexplained wealth, enforce strong sanctions, and mandate the publication of public officers' assets and liabilities.

5. Withdrawal of Parliamentary Aspirants' Appointments to SOEs

The Coalition demands the withdrawal of appointments of parliamentary aspirants to State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). They argue that such appointments exacerbate economic insensitivity, politicize parastatals, and contribute to poor governance.

6. Investigation into the Sale of State-Owned Hotels

Supporting calls from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and Organized Labour, the Coalition calls for a thorough investigation into the sale of shares in four state-owned hotels. They seek clarity on potential conflicts of interest, abuse of power, lack of due process, and procurement breaches. The Coalition insists that these transactions be halted immediately.

7. Transparency on the Pwalugu Multipurpose Dam Project

Finally, the Coalition demands that the Ministries of Finance, Works, and Housing, and other relevant agencies publish detailed information about the Pwalugu Multipurpose Dam project. This includes the current status of the project and all payments made. The Coalition believes the public deserves to know how funds are being utilized on this significant initiative.

Dr. Asante's passionate plea underscores the Coalition's belief that without proactive measures, corruption and impunity could severely undermine Ghana's stability and development. The Coalition's comprehensive demands aim to reinforce the principles of democratic accountability and ensure that government actions are conducted with the highest levels of integrity and transparency.

In their concluding remarks, the Coalition reaffirmed their commitment to advocating for these changes and called on all Ghanaians to join them in demanding a more accountable and transparent government. As the nation moves forward, the Coalition's efforts highlight the critical role of civic engagement in shaping a more just and equitable society.
