
Ghanaian youth encouraged to take advantage of Free SHS

By Benedict Kweku Nkrumah || Contributor
Education Ghanaian youth encouraged to take advantage of Free SHS

"I do not have secondary schoolmates because I didn't attend secondary school; my parents couldn't afford it due to poverty. Therefore, it is crucial for today's youth to take advantage of the Free SHS policy to progress in their education."

These were the words of NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Agona West, Mr. Chris Arthur, during the 42nd Anniversary and 10th Speech and Prize Giving Day of Nyakrom Senior High Technical School at Agona Nyakrom last Saturday.

Mr. Chris Arthur emphasized, "I would have become a lawyer or earned a PhD by now if Free SHS had been implemented in the early 2000s, even if it meant studying under trees or sheds. Today, I am a lawyer and a parliamentary candidate. You can aspire to achieve even more because the future is bright for you.

"The Free SHS policy is indeed a game changer in education, and the youth of today cannot afford to let this God-sent opportunity slip away."

He highlighted the need for parents and stakeholders in the educational sector to invest in education, underlining its importance in building the future of the next generation.

According to Mr. Chris Arthur, the theme for the celebration, "Investing in Schools, Investing in the Future: The Responsibility of All Stakeholders in Education," was timely and appropriate, urging everyone to invest in education for societal advancement.

He acknowledged the impact of the government's Free Secondary School education initiative, which is providing access to many youth, especially those in deprived areas.

Responding to a request from the Headmaster, Mr. Ellas Arthur, regarding the lack of ceiling fans in classrooms, Mr. Chris Arthur donated 50 standing fans to the school and promised to repair all ceiling fans in both classrooms and dormitories to create a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

Mr. Chris Arthur also pledged to renovate the makeshift kitchen, which, according to the Headmaster, affects the safety of workers and the hygienic condition of food served to students.

The Head of Civil Service, Dr. Evans Aggrey-Darkoh, also addressed the students, emphasizing the importance of focusing on their studies. He said, "Knowledge is power, information is liberating, and education is the premise of progress in every society and family."

"Education is the cornerstone of progress. It unlocks doors of opportunity and forms the foundation upon which individuals build their dreams and societies construct their futures.

"To our dedicated teachers, you are the architects of our future. Your commitment to nurturing young minds, your patience in guiding them, and your unwavering dedication to their growth are the bedrock of our educational system.

"Parents, you are the first teachers and lifelong mentors of your children. Your involvement in their education extends far beyond the classroom. By fostering a love of learning at home, encouraging curiosity, and providing a supportive environment, you lay the groundwork for their academic success and personal development," Dr. Aggrey-Darkoh said.

Dr. Evans Aggrey-Darkoh also called on the government, traditional leaders (Nananom), and policymakers to play their roles effectively in shaping the educational landscape through adequate funding, robust policies, and a commitment to inclusive and equitable education. This would create a system where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

"And to our dear students, you are the heart and soul of our school. Your curiosity, enthusiasm, and determination are the driving forces behind our efforts.

"Embrace the opportunities presented to you, strive for excellence, and never stop learning. Remember that education is a lifelong journey, and your success is a testament to the collective effort of everyone in society," Dr. Aggrey-Darkoh concluded.
