
Ban on noisemaking: Pubs resort to headsets to entertain patrons in Accra

  Wed, 22 May 2024
Social News Ban on noisemaking: Pubs resort to headsets to entertain patrons in Accra

Some pub managers in Accra have found alternative ways to entertain their patrons following the ban on drumming and noise-making in Accra.

In preparation for the annual Homowo festival, the Ga Traditional Council instituted a ban on noise-making starting May 6 and ending June 6, 2024.

This restriction has significantly impacted nightlife in Accra, particularly affecting pub operations, making them resort to other alternatives.

The pub manager at Cloud Nine in Osu, Solomon Oscar Agyapong, expressed the challenges faced during this period and asserted the need for innovative efforts.

He said, “It hasn’t been easy as compared to no ban on music. The patronage has been so poor, but we have been doing this. Each time there is a ban on noise, we provide our customers with headsets to, at least, encourage them to come here and entertain them. You see, they can’t step out without having to listen to music. So for them to stay out long, they have to enjoy the music”.

Meanwhile, some patrons also shared their experiences with Citi News.

Jessica Ofori, a patron at Cloud9ine said, “Actually when we came in initially it was boring. We didn’t know this directive was serious. It’s been a long time since we stepped out so we didn’t know, but when we came in, and they were saying oh we can use the headset to entertain ourselves, we decided to try”.

Another patron, Lois Taylor, also told Citi News, “When you are with the headset and you are dancing, you look all crazy to someone who is not with the headset because they can’t hear the music. But hey, it is all fun.”

Rabiatu Okainja, another patron who was having a great time with her friend, recommended Cloud9ine to individuals who are exploring alternative ways to have fun outside with their loved ones.

“I recommend this for most of the pubs because as Cloud9ine is using this headset, it is making a lot of people come here as they are enjoying music with no distractions,” she stated.

