
Election 2024: Alan urge Ghanaians to vote for him to transform Ghana

  Mon, 26 Feb 2024
Headlines Election 2024: Alan urge Ghanaians to vote for him to transform Ghana

Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, Leader of the Movement for Change and Independent Presidential candidate for the upcoming 2024 general elections in Ghana, has issued a compelling call to Ghanaians to bestow upon him the mandate to spearhead a transformative Industrial Revolution.

Kyerematen unveiled his ambitious vision, emphasizing his commitment to driving a dynamic industrial revolution aimed at enhancing Ghana’s self-sufficiency by ramping up local production of raw materials and prioritizing value addition in the industrialization process.

Expressing concern over the heavy reliance on imported raw materials, which strains the national economy and exacerbates currency fluctuations, Kyerematen pledged to establish industries dedicated to extracting and processing raw materials domestically, thereby bolstering both local and international markets.

This strategic initiative, he stressed, would not only create a myriad of business opportunities for Ghanaians, particularly traders, but also stimulate economic growth and resilience.

In addition to promoting local industries, Kyerematen outlined his intention to implement a comprehensive policy framework aimed at facilitating unhindered access to locally manufactured goods for traders, thus bolstering their businesses and contributing to the advancement of the economy.

Addressing the critical issue of access to finance, Kyerematen expressed dismay over the lack of dedicated financial institutions catering to the needs of traders and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana.

In response to this gap, Kyerematen pledged to establish a specialized Traders Bank dedicated to providing tailored financial services to traders and SMEs across the nation, recognizing their pivotal role in driving economic development.

Highlighting the significance of traders and SMEs in Ghana’s economic landscape, Kyerematen underscored the importance of establishing a dedicated financial institution to support their growth and sustainability, thereby propelling the nation towards prosperity and self-reliance.

Kyerematen ended by calling on all Ghanaians to rally behind his vision for a vibrant and self-sustaining economy. He urged voters to cast their ballots in favor of progress and transformation, emphasizing that together, they can forge a brighter future for Ghana. The time for change is now, and he implored every citizen to join him on this transformative journey towards prosperity and empowerment.
