
“Order From Above”: The Sorry State of Ghana’s Democracy

Feature Article Order From Above: The Sorry State of Ghanas Democracy
JAN 18, 2024 LISTEN

Ghana, once hailed as a model of democracy in Africa, is now facing a sorry state of affairs with the pervasive influence of the “Order From Above” (OFA) phenomenon. This article sheds light on the troubling implications of this phenomenon and its detrimental impact on the democratic landscape of Ghana.

The Suppression of Dissent: OFA is a major contributing factor to the suppression of dissenting voices and stifled political opposition. Critics and activists who voice their concerns or challenge the status quo often face intimidation, harassment, and even legal persecution. This erosion of freedom of expression undermines the principles of democracy and restricts the ability of citizens to participate in the democratic process.

Politicization of Institutions: Ghana’s democratic institutions, such as the judiciary, police, and electoral bodies, have become victims of politicization under the OFA influence. The impartiality and independence of these institutions are compromised, leading to a lack of trust and confidence in their ability to uphold the rule of law and ensure fair and transparent processes.

Media Manipulation and Censorship: Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy, but the Order From Above situation has resulted in media manipulation and censorship. Journalists and media outlets that dare to report on critical issues or challenge the government’s narrative face intimidation, threats, and even closure. This suppression of media freedom limits the availability of diverse perspectives and undermines the public’s right to access accurate information.

Concentration of Power: The concentration of power in the hands of a few is a concerning consequence of the OFA menace. This consolidation of power undermines the principle of checks and balances, as decisions are made without adequate scrutiny or accountability. It creates an environment where abuse of power, corruption, and nepotism can flourish, eroding the foundations of a healthy democracy.

Erosion of Public Trust: OFA has eroded public trust in Ghana’s democratic institutions. When citizens witness the manipulation of processes, the lack of accountability, and the suppression of dissent, they become disillusioned and disengaged from the democratic system. This erosion of trust weakens the democratic fabric of the nation and hampers progress and development.

Reclaiming Democracy: To reverse the sorry state of Ghana’s democracy, it is crucial to restore the principles of transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. Upholding the rule of law, promoting media freedom, and ensuring the independence of institutions are essential steps towards reclaiming a vibrant and inclusive democracy. Additionally, fostering a culture of political tolerance, encouraging citizen participation, and strengthening civil society can help rebuild public trust and restore Ghana’s democratic ideals.

The “Order From Above” voodoo has cast a dark shadow over Ghana’s democracy, undermining the principles of transparency, accountability, and freedom. It is imperative for Ghana’s leaders and citizens to recognize the gravity of the situation and take swift action to rectify the sorry state of affairs. By embracing democratic values, protecting fundamental rights, and ensuring the separation of powers, Ghana can reclaim its position as a beacon of democracy in Africa and pave the way for a brighter future for its citizens.

Building the Ghana we want together.
Michael Agbesi Kelly
