Wed, 01 Nov 2023 Education

B/R: Collapsed classroom block traps three to death at Badu

  Wed, 01 Nov 2023
B/R: Collapsed classroom block traps three to death at Badu

Madam Justina Owusu-Banhene, the Bono Regional Minister has led a government delegation to commiserate with the chiefs and people of Badu in the Tain District of the region over the death of some school children.

Tragedy hit the town, on Monday, October 30, 2023, when an old classroom block collapsed, trapped and killed three young people.

Two others, said to be in critical condition, are on admission, receiving treatment at the Tain Government Hospital at Nsawkaw, while the body of the deceased had since been deposited at the hospital’s mortuary for preservation and autopsy.

During a visit to the community, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) learnt the dilapidated and abandoned classroom block collapsed and trapped the five victims, who had picked shelter during a downpour, which accompanied an incessant storm and lightning around 1500 hours.

Accompanied by Dr. Lucy Acheampong, the Tain District Chief Executive and Mr Kusi Buadum, the Sunyani West Municipal Chief Executive, Madam Owusu-Banahene, expressed the Government's condolences to the bereaved families and asked them to pick comfort in God.

The Regional Minister assured the bereaved families that the Government through the Regional Coordinating Council would support and provide befitting burial for the deceased.

Nana Ansu Gyeabour, the Chief Linguist at the Badu Traditional Area, said the people had set November 22, 2023 for the burial and final funeral rite of all the deceased and expressed appreciation to the regional minister for the visit.

