Wed, 01 Nov 2023 Social News

CHRAJ Commissioner grabs De Sanctis Award for human rights

  Wed, 01 Nov 2023
CHRAJ Commissioner grabs De Sanctis Award for human rights

Mr. Joseph Whittal, Commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), has been honoured with the prestigious De Sanctis Foundation Award for the 2023 Human Rights Prize in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the protection and promotion of human rights on the African continent.

Mr. Whittal's great contribution to widening the boundaries of human rights promotion in the country in general, as well as the CHRAJ's general commitment and demonstration to fight for the rights of all, particularly the impoverished and vulnerable, is also recognised by the award.

The jury, chaired by Pietro Curzio, President Emeritus of the Supreme Court of Cassation, stated in their rationale that they chose to award CHRAJ because of its significant and varied commitment to human rights protection outside of Ghana.

The jury stated that their decision was influenced by their profound recognition of CHRAJ's broad responsibilities and concrete impact, which have elevated Ghana to the status of a global leader in the protection of human rights, particularly in light of Ghana's model guarantee of religious freedom and peaceful coexistence between the Muslim minority and the Christian majority, which is a testament to Ghana's commitment to fundamental liberties and serves as an example for the rest of the world.

The judges also complimented Ghana's progressive stance on the global stage, noting that the government supported a UN General Assembly resolution asking for the abolition of the death penalty in 2022.

The verdict, according to the jury, "was a historic decision underscoring Ghana's dedication to the principles of humanity and justice."

Its collaborative efforts and active engagement with international organisations such as the United Nations (UN), namely the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, were also significant factors in the awarding of CHRAJ.

Notable alliances with the European Union, as well as participation in regional dialogues of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) around the world.

Furthermore, CHRAJ commemorates and participates in United Nations commemorative events such as International Human Rights Day, World Day Against Child Labour, and International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, among others, demonstrating Ghana's commitment to implementing critical development policies and programmes while also promoting human rights.

In contrast, the jury expressed severe worry about governments that violate democratic standards, justify human rights violations, and deny fundamental freedoms.

They emphasised that such measures impede domestic progress and undermine the fabric of multilateralism, potentially leading to state conflicts.

Ghana's unshakable commitment to the values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, as well as its responsibility to preserve and promote universal human rights and other freedoms relating to civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, is recognised by the award.
