
Shame on you if you think Akufo-Addo's comment on voting pattern of Voltarians was a joke; it was grossly insensitive - Apaak

General News Shame on you if you think Akufo-Addo's comment on voting pattern of Voltarians was a joke; it was grossly insensitive - Apaak

The Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Clement Apaak has blasted persons defending President Akufo-Addo’s remarks at Mepe on the voting pattern of Voltarians.

President Akufo-Addo on Monday, October 16, toured a number of communities in the Volta Region affected by the flooding caused by the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams by the Volta River Authority.

Speaking to the Chiefs and people of Mepe, the President argued that if it was down to who votes and who does not votes for him he wouldn’t have visited the community to commiserate with them since he is aware they do not vote for him.

“When these things happen and government acts, politics does not come into the matter at all. When I took the Oath of Office as President, I took the oath as president for every single individual in Ghana, all people in Ghana, all districts and whether they voted for me or not, once I have taken the oath, I am the President of all the people so Togbe, I want the people here, beginning with you, and the elders to understand that when something like this happens and Government acts, Government is acting for Ghanaians, all Ghanaians.

“I came here because Ghanaians are having difficulties and are suffering, and it is my responsibility to try and help. Because, if it is a question of counting who votes for me and who doesn't vote for me, then I shouldn't be here, because you don't vote for me. But that is not my concern. And, in any event, one day you will vote for me and my party,” President Akufo-Addo said.

The comments instantly became a subject of discussion as many criticized the president, insisting that in times of the suffering of the people this was not necessary.

For others, the president said no wrong and was only making a joke.

Replying to people that hold such a view, Dr. Clement Apaak has noted that they should be ashamed of themselves.

According to him, President Akufo-Addo was not attending a comedy programme and ought not to have made such statements.

“A joke! Those seeking to excuse the grossly insensitive comments by NADAA when he finally visited victims of the floods must bow their heads in shame. He was joking? Was he attending a comedy show or a festival? A leader joking when thousands of citizens are distraught?,” Dr. Clement Apaak shared in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
