13.08.2023 Analysis

I Engrave My Own Suffering

By Rhenel Oppong Mensah
I Engrave My Own Suffering
13.08.2023 LISTEN

Beauty, they say lies in the eyes of the beholder. Some people also argue that beauty is what is within a person. The youth in Ghana are not exempted when it comes to beauty standards because they are the people that sets the trends. In recent years the rise of tattooing has gained a momentum in Ghana.

Tattoos have a long and rich history, dating back thousands of years to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Polynesians, and Native Americans. According to history, the oldest known tattooed human skin Dates to around 5,200 years ago and was found on the body of a mummy in the Alps. Tattoos have been used for a variety of reasons, including religious and cultural expression, social status, and even punishment. Different cultures have their own unique traditions and styles of tattooing, with some designs that have specific meanings or symbolism. Despite the stigma that tattoos have sometimes carried, they continue to be a popular form of self-expression and art around the world.

Research has shown that people who engage in the act of tattooing feel the tattoos on their bodies give them some kind of additional beauty just like makeup does for others, but they do not pay much attention to the implications that come with it in the long run. Tattoos do not only have health implications, but also come with the socio-cultural implications in the context of Ghana that can affect an individual. In terms of applying for certain jobs like the Fire Service Department and the Judicial Department.

Self-Expression: Tattoos are a dynamic fusion of art and self-expression. People select tattoos as a way to use their bodies as canvases to express their uniqueness, values, and experiences. And can serve as a way to communicate with others without the need for words .The designs people choose frequently to reflect their individual tales and identities in a very personal way.In this process, experienced tattoo artists and designers work together to create works of art that combine aesthetic appeal with deep personal meaning and for some individuals, getting a tattoo can be deeply meaningful and transformative experience. As a result, tattoos have become a potent and robust form of both self-expression and art.

Empowerment: Tattoos can be an empowering tool. According to Prof. Viren Swami, a psychologist at Anglia Ruskin University who specializes in body image, claims that tattoos are much more interesting to examine in terms of how people use body art as expressions of identity, body ownership, and personal growth. They allow people to oversee their bodies and to express themselves in special and important ways. After a traumatic event, such as abuse or illness, some people find that obtaining a tattoo allows them to reclaim their bodies. Additionally, getting a tattoo can be a method to express one's individuality, celebrate who they are, and go against cultural standards and expectations.

Aesthetics Enhancement: Many people get tattoos to improve their appearance, either by adding elaborate designs or visually appealing, essential symbolism. Tattoos can draw attention to specific body parts, enhance aesthetic attractiveness, and give off an alluring appearance. However, aesthetic judgements can vary, so what one person deems visually appealing may not be so to another.

People should be sure to select designs that speak to them personally and add to their overall sense of style and beauty. Also, tattoos can be used to accentuate or conceal scars or other flaws on the skin, as well as to give the skin a polished or uniform appearance.

Research has shown that tattoos have been a part of human history for thousands of years, with evidence of tattooing found in ancient cultures all over the world. Despite the fact that many individuals view tattoos as a way to express their individuality, values, and experiences as well as a means of communicating with others without the use of words, some people are aware of the negative effects getting a tattoo.

Infections: The most common adverse effect of tattoos are infection. If the tools used to make the tattoo were not properly sterilized or the ink was contaminated, it could happen after obtaining a tattoo. Redness, swelling, discomfort, and seeping related to the tattooed area are all possible signs of an infection. Fever, chills, and other symptoms like the flu can develop in severe cases of infections. Additionally, when the skin is punctured when getting a tattoo, a passage for bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens to enter the body is Opened.

Blood-borne disease: This can be transmitted through getting a tattoo if the equipment used to create the tattoo is not properly sterilized, or if the ink used is contaminated and if the tattoo artist uses needles that have not been properly sterilized, or if the ink used is contaminated with blood from a previous customer, there is a risk of transmitting bloodborne diseases such as hepatitis B and C, HIV and Syphilis.

Scarring: Scarring could develop after getting a tattoo or during the healing process. Minor scarring may occasionally be an expected part of the skin recovery from a tattoo. However, if the skin doesn’t heal completely or if the tattoo artist works too forcefully, there may be serious scarring. An excessive amount of scarring related to tattoos may be more likely to develop in those who have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars.

I believe that, despite all the positive aspects of tattoos that people feel it gives them, they should pay much attention to the aftermath of their actions because human life is expensive, so you don’t throw yours away.

Rhenel Oppong Mensah
Level 300 students Journalist Of UNIMAC- GIJ
