Mon, 17 Apr 2023 Social News

I’ve been discharged – says Madina MP

Madina MP, Francis-Xavier SosuMadina MP, Francis-Xavier Sosu

Member of Parliament (MP) for Madina, Francis-Xavier Sosu has been cleared of charges brought against him by the Ghana Police.

The Kaneshie District Court discharged him after the criminal case was struck out for want of prosecution.

The lawmaker took to Twitter on Monday, April 17, to share the news, expressing gratitude to Rt. Hon. Kingsford Sumana Alban Bagbin, Speaker of Parliament and all who supported him during the struggle.

“I was discharged today by the Kaneshie District Court after the criminal case brought against me by the Ghana Police was struck out for want of prosecution.

“A special thanks to Rt. Hon. Kingsford Sumana Alban Bagbin and all who supported me against this struggle,” his tweet reads.

The charges against Mr. Sosu was related to a demonstration on October 25, 2021, where he joined his constituents to protest the poor state of roads in Madina.

The police claimed that the protest led to unlawful acts, which led to an attempt to arrest the MP.

Mr. Sosu, who is also a lawyer accused the police of manhandling him on the day of the protest, leading to him filing a complaint in Parliament against two police officers.

Sosu was first arraigned before court on November 8, to face charges of unlawfully blocking a public road as well as the destruction of public property.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
