
Praise Bawumia for renovating Central Mosque – Ashanti Regional Imam

  Mon, 13 Mar 2023
Social News Praise Bawumia for renovating Central Mosque  Ashanti Regional Imam

The leadership of the Kumasi Central Mosque led by the Ashanti Regional Imam, Sheik Abdul-Moomin Haruna has asked the Muslim community to shun critics and show gratitude to Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia for leading the refurbishment of the facility.

He said assertions that the Saudi Government and other individuals funded the renovation of the mosque and not the Vice President must be treated without merit and locus.

His comments come after an outburst by a leading member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Alhaji Said Sinare who doubted assertions that Dr. Bawumia single-handedly financed the renovation of the Kumasi Central Mosque.

The NDC stalwart in a recent interview claimed that he was previously in charge of the modernization of the mosque and called on the Vice President to disclose the source of funding he used for the works.

Speaking to journalists in Kumasi on Friday, the Ashanti Regional Imam insisted that Dr. Bawumia spearheaded the refurbishment of the mosque and deserves commendation.

Sheik Haruna advised critics to desist from politicizing the matter and also refrain from attempting to tarnish the reputation of the Vice President for political gains.

He said, “with political conscience, they want to tarnish the name of the Vice President and that is not good. Let’s stop it. We have to thank him and Almighty Allah. God used him to renovate this mosque for us”.

“I have heard some people saying it is not Dr. Bawumia who renovated the mosque. If it is true that the project was done by the Arabs. They would have brought their cameras and will be present during the commissioning and we didn’t see any single Arabian on that day”, he added

He indicated that the Vice President did not renovate the mosque for political gains but did it for Allah.

The Regional Imam asked the Muslim community to continue to support and pray for the Vice President in his political journey.


Chief Executive Officer of Shaddis Limited, the Construction firm that renovated the mosque, Alhaji Kabiru Idris dared critics to show proof that the Vice President did not renovate the mosque.

He called on Alhaji Said Sinare and other critics to name the real person behind the renovation works if they insist it is not Dr. Bawumia.


Alhaji Idris called on the Muslim Community to look forward and seek development rather than paying attention to detractors.

The Kumasi Central Mosque built in 1951 has served as the major worship center for the Muslim community in Kumasi and parts of the Ashanti Region.


The facility with time was expanded and minor renovation works were done to cater to the increasing numbers of congregants that patronize it.

In 2020, Vice President, Dr. Mahammudu Bawumia promised to facilitate the reconstruction and renovation of the Central Mosque and that has been fulfilled.

