
Adu Boahen's dismissal: Do a good job — MP to OSP

  Tue, 15 Nov 2022
Social News Adu Boahen's dismissal: Do a good job — MP to OSP

Member of Parliament for Twifo Atti Morkwa constituency, David T. D Vondee has emphasised that the Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta and the ousted Minister of State at the Finance Ministry Charles Adu Boahen should have, in principle, resigned long before Ghana entered into negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) giving their earlier stands against going to the Fund.

According to the MP for Twifo Atti Morkwa, these ministers of finance by their ineffectiveness and poor performances have plunged the country into a dire economic crisis and do not deserve to continue to stay in office.

“These gentlemen should have resigned long ago. Right from the decision to go to the IMF, principle Ofori-Atta and Charles Adu Boahen should have resigned” he noted.

The legislator opined that corruption is a business that some of the leaders in the country are involved in. It is making things difficult and very frustrating for investors that want to invest in Ghana, hence Ghanaians should not let Charles Adu Boahen go scot-free.

“Sacking Charles Adu Boahen is not enough. He made a lot of money and a proper investigation must be made and he must be prosecuted for corruption. I hope the Special Prosecutor would be able to a good job, fare mindedly and do proper investigation and prosecution on this matter” the legislator stressed.

David Vondee told Alfred Ocansey on 3FM Sunrise Morning Show that the thought alone of demanding money from an investor in order to facilitate an audience with the Vice President is criminal. He admitted that there are legally acceptable professional middlemen who are registered and globally accepted to facilitate contracts but not a minister of state in charge of finance.

“The sense of reasoning in engaging in that kind of communication alone is criminal. Is it not worrying that the vice President's name is used to extort money from potential investors? It is a matter that Ghanaians should not let go away” Mr. Vondee admonished

Charles Adu Boahen was sacked by the president in a press release issued on 14 November, 2022 after he was made aware of the allegations leveled against the Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance in the 'Galamsey Economy' expose’ by Tiger Eye PI.
