Sun, 06 Mar 2022 General News

Emulate Nkrumah’s leadership qualities to help address global crisis-MD

By Samuel Akapule Bolgatanga
Emulate Nkrumahs leadership qualities to help address global crisis-MD

The Managing Director (MD) of Yenyeya Mining Company Limited in the Upper East Region, Mr Charles Taleog Ndanbon, has observed that in this era of global crisis, Ghanaians need to emulate the leadership qualities of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the First President of Ghana.

The 47-year –old MD whose birthday coincided with the celebration of Ghana’s Independence Day on Sunday, mentioned that Dr Nkrumah visionary leadership and sense of patriotism during his tenure of office led him to execute remarkable and beneficial development projects which are of still relevance to the country today.

He stressed that Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s sense of patriotism did not only lead him to provide good leadership but also adopted prudent economic measures to develop the country but also mitigated corruption.

“Nkrumah left behind very good legacies for the country and he will ever be remembered by generations upon generations . All of us Ghanaians especially leaders need to emulate his examples to help develop this country”, he stressed.

The MD who is also an Assemblyman for Zoliba -Tindongo in the Nabdam District explained that already governments over the years have been battling in addressing the numerous challenges of Ghanaians and noted that with the upsurge of the COVID-19 global crisis coupled with the Russian and Ukraine war many countries’ economies across the globe including Ghana are suffering and making development partners not able to support developing countries.

He stressed that there was the need for all Ghanaians especially those entrusted with leadership positions to emulate Dr Nkrumah’s leadership qualities to complement government’s efforts at addressing the economic challenges.

Established in 2003 at the Gbane mining community, the Yenyeya Mining Company Limited which was then a registered small scale small entities lobbied and brought into the country the Shaanxi Mining Ghana Ltd.

Through that about seven hundred and seventy -nine have been created in the Gbane community in the Talensi District and beyond. Economic activities in the area have boomed with lot women and the youth in the area going into petty businesses and building houses and other properties. .

The MD effort also led the Shaanxi Mining Ghana Ltd to construct a bridge over the local river ‘Oun’ to ease movement of people especially students from the eastern mining communities (Tarkwa, Zalwore, Tarkwa , Digare and Datuku) to the schools in the western part (Obuasi and Kejetia).

Apart from resurfacing and reshaping of the 6.5km road from Sheaga to the Gbane Mining Site in the Talensi District, the Shaanxi Mining Ghana Ltd also constructed internal feeder roads at Gaare, Tindongo and Gbane communities and rehabilitated the Winkogo, Sipaat, Gorogo feeder roads. It also reshaped and surfaced the 8km Zuarungu-Namoaligo road.

On Water, the MD also initiated that the Shaanxi Mining Ghana Ltd to drill boreholes in the mining Communities to serve the communities.

Additionally, the Yenyeya Mining Company Limited , the Ghanaian entity managed to persuade the Shaanxi Mining Ghana Ltd to make donation of Knapsack sprayers, fertilizer and wellington boot to the Talensi District Assembly yearly to award the gallant farmers on the Annual Farmers’ Day celebrations as part of its policy.

He called on government to be mindful of signing business agreements with foreign companies and to protect Ghanaian business from being exploited by foreigners.

While commending others for also complementing government’s efforts in development, Mr Ndanbon urged the leadership in the private sector and corporate enties to support the government in this times of difficulties.

Mr Charles Taleog Ndanbon Aka Champion Man was born on March 6, 1975 to Mama Nwohiba Ndanbon Yenyeya at ZolIba Tindongo in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region
