
Chief of Kyekyewere vows to kick out landguards from his community

By Benedict Kweku Nkrumah
Social News Chief of Kyekyewere vows to kick out landguards from his community

A former Chief Inspector of the Ghana Police Service has been installed as the Chief of Kyekyewere in the Ayensuano District of the Eastern Region under the stool name Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II with a promise to flash out activities of landguards in his community.

Known in private name as Mr. Edward Afful, Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II says activities of landguards in Kyekyewere and its surrounding areas were becoming a security threat to the people who are mostly farmers thus denying them of their economic growth and development.

In an interview with Newsmen soon after he had sworn the oath of allegiance, the newly installed Chief noted that he won't sit unconcerned for his people to be tortured by such criminals.

"These landguards have illegally taken over lands from their owners and are engaging in Sand Winning activities without authorization from anybody and are heavily armed to the teeth.

"I want to assure my people that the activities of these landguards in Kyekyewere and its surrounding areas would be eradicated in a short possible time.

"It is illegal for anyone to engage in landguard activities in the country. Am going to flash them out of our system for peace and security to prevail.

"There is no law in the country to authorize people to forcefully take over people's lands and farms let alone threatened them with weapons.

"Every land in Kyekyewere has its owner and I as custodian of the lands in Kyekyewere and other surrounding communities, I will protect it accordingly. It would be better for them to stay off of the lands or face the consequences for their illegal activities.

"Am ready to work with all manner of people in my areas of operations in what capacity be it religious, tribal, political or otherwise. We are going to work together as one people seeking the well-being and development," he stated.

The former Police Prosecutor cautioned the kingpins in the landguards activities to put an end to it for their own good.

Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II lamented over situations where the landguards use bulldozers to destroy people's farm products for sand winning without consultation with the owners.

According to Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II, he was in constant communication with the Eastern Regional Security Council as well as the Ayensuano District Security Council to flash out such activities in the vicinity.

"Let me cautioned that any person or group of people who would step foot on any of the lands in Kyekyewere or any of my land jurisdictions, they won't be spared," he noted.

On education and economic growth, Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II disclosed that plans were far advanced for the construction of an ultra-modern market center to boost the economic activities of the people.

He noted that people in Kyekyewere and its surrounding Communities were mostly farmers who depends on farming for their daily bread and would therefore need a market center to sell their farm produce.

"This is my first priority towards the development of Kyekyewere. We need to attract traders from every part of the country to patronize our foods and cash crops to boost our local economy," he emphasised.

The newly installed Chief stressed that a modern library complex was also going to be constructed to give school children in the community access to modern technology.

"Our children should be given access to ICT to able them be abreast with the global world. In this time and age, everything is centred around technology and our children cannot be left out of this modern era," he stated.

Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II hinted that he was going to contact stakeholders in the various agencies to spearhead development in Kyekyewere.

He lamented over lack of development in the vicinity even though Kyekyewere happens to be one the oldest community.

The District Chief Executive for Ayensuano, Hon. Josephine Awuku Ansaa Inkoom confirming the illegal activities of landguards in the District noted that the District Security Council (DISEC) has put in place achievable measures to stop their activities.

Hon. Josephine Awuku Ansaa Inkoom disclosed that the Assembly was in collaboration with various security agencies in the District to fight the menace.

The DCE dislocated that she has personally contacted Minister for Interior to support them with more security personnel to combat the anti-social canker in the Ayensuano District.

She noted that the lack of logistics for police personnel especially vehicles was hampering their activities in the area.

"Before I assumed office as the District Chief Executive, Sand Winning activities in the District, especially in Kyekyewere, was going out of hand. At least four people had been killed by the Sand Winners. But thank God, these activities have been reduced drastically through the efforts of the District Police Commander nevertheless, it should be eradicated completely from the system.

"Landguard activities is becoming a headache to the Assembly but I hope positive response from the Ministry of Interior would facilitate the fight against these criminal activities."

While congratulating Okunini Gyebi Kwame Ababio II for his installation, Hon. Josephine Awuku Ansaa Inkoom lauded the kingmakers for the peaceful manner the whole process went through.

She recounted a number of times where the installation of chiefs turned bloody in some places.

The Ayensuano District Chief Executive pledged the commitment of the Assembly towards the development of Kyekyewere and its surrounding communities assuring the newly installed Chief that her doors were opened for consultation and advice.

She strongly advocated for a common festival that could bring all tribes in the district under one umbrella to enhance coexistence.

" We must put all hands on deck to ensure infrastructure development in the Ayensuano District". The DCE noted.

Member of Parliament for Ayensuano Constituency, Hon. Teddy Safori Addi addressed the durbar said he was ever ready to lobby for developmental projects for the various Communities.

Hon. Teddy Safori Addi expressed concern about the deprived nature of the Constituency and encouraged the people to work together with one accord devoid of partisan towards the economic growth and development.
